centralization phenomenon

centralization phenomenon

the relatively rapid change in the perceived location of pain, from more peripheral, or distal, to a more proximal, or central, location; commonly occurs during initial evaluation of patients with low back and radiating limb pain; helpful in determining the type and prognosis of physical therapy.

cen·tral·i·za·tion phe·nom·e·non

(sen'trăl-ī-zā'shŭn fĕ-nom'ĕ-non) The relatively rapid change in the perceived location of pain, from more peripheral, or distal, to a more proximal, or central, location; commonly occurs during initial evaluation of patients with low back and radiating limb pain; helpful in determining the type and prognosis of physical therapy.

cen·tral·i·za·tion phe·nom·e·non

(sen'trăl-ī-zā'shŭn fĕ-nom'ĕ-non) Relatively rapid change in the perceived location of pain, from more peripheral, or distal, to a more proximal, or central, location.