Central Iranian Mountains
Central Iranian Mountains
a mountain system in Iran, in the central part of the Iranian Plateau. The mountain range is about 1,000 km long and reaches 300 km in width. The basic direction of the mountain range is northwest-southeast; the principal ranges are the Kuhrud and the Kuhbenan. The highest point is the extinct volcano Huzar, which at an elevation of 4,420 m rises 2,000–2,500 m above the adjacent plains. The Central Iranian Mountains are composed of sedimentary and volcanic rocks with numerous talus formations. The annual precipitation is 100–300 mm. Sagebrush-ephemeral deserts occur in the intermontane valleys and on the lower parts of the slopes; xerophytic shrub and subshrub vegetation occurs in the upper zone of the mountains. Along the river valleys there are groves of poplar, willow, oleaster, and English walnut. Nomadic herding is practiced.