Dunmow Flitch Trial
Dunmow Flitch Trial
While kneeling on two sharp stones in the churchyard, the applicant had to take an oath before the prior and villagers of Dunmow that he had never repented of his marriage, waking or sleeping, for a year and a day. If they believed him, he would be carried through the streets in an ancient wooden chair. Given the fact that there were only three prizewinners between 1445 and 1510, it must be assumed that the standard to which the applicants were held was very high.
Today, claimants for the Dunmow Flitch are required to answer questions about their marriage at a mock trial, presided over by a judge. A jury consisting of six spinsters and six bachelors gives the verdict, and the proceedings are usually lighthearted, although there are always some genuine candidates for the flitch as well as those who only take part for amusement.
Official Dunmow Flitch Trials Committee
Dunmow Flitch Judge
28 High St.
Great Dunmow, Essex CM6 1AH United Kingdom
44-13-7187-2816; fax: 44-13-7187-2324
Dunmow Town Strategy Group
Foakes House
47 Stortford Rd.
Great Dunmow, Essex CM6 1DG United Kingdom
44-13-7187-2406; fax: 44-13-7187-8378
EngCustUse-1941, p. 64
FolkCal-1930, p. 115
YrFest-1972, p. 41