Bulanzhe, Iurii Dmitrievich
Bulanzhe, Iurii Dmitrievich
Born July 28 (Aug. 10), 1911, in Moscow. Soviet geophysicist. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1966).
Since his graduation from the Moscow Geodetic Institute in 1934, Bulanzhe has worked at the Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (department head since 1956). His major works concern experimental studies in gravimetrics (the development of methods and apparatus for highly accurate measurement of the force of gravity) and the study of deformations in the earth’s crust. He has been vice-president of the Soviet Geodetic Society (since 1957) and of the International Association of Geodesy. He has been awarded two orders.
“Formuly dlia vychisleniia oshibok gravimetricheskoi sviazi dvukh punktov pri mnogokratnykh izmereniiakh, vypolnennykh gruppoi gravimetrov.” Izv. AN SSSR: Ser. geofizicheskaia, 1956, no. 7.“Po povodu izucheniia sovremennykh dvizhenii zemnoi kory na statsionarnykh poligonakh.” In Sovremennoe dvizhenie zemnoikory, no. 2. Tartu, 1965.