Buisson, Ferdinand Édouard
Buisson, Ferdinand Édouard
(fĕrdēnäN` ādwär` büēsôN`), 1841–1932, French educator and Nobel Peace Prize winner. He studied at the Sorbonne and later taught (1866–70) in Switzerland. After 1870 he served in the French department of education, as an inspector of schools and a director of primary education, resigning in 1886 to become professor of pedagogy at the Sorbonne. He produced the Dictionnaire de pédagogie (1882–93). From 1902 to 1914 and again from 1919 to 1924, he was a member of the chamber of deputies and worked actively for civil rights. An ardent pacifist, he attended (1867) the first congress of the International Peace League; with Ludwig QuiddeQuidde, Ludwig, 1858–1941, German pacifist and historian. He was elected (1907) to the Bavarian diet, was a member (1919–22) of the national assembly at Weimar, and later served in the Reichstag.
..... Click the link for more information. of Germany he received the 1927 Nobel Peace Prize.