


a political group in Serbia from the 1830’s to the 1850’s. The group included high officials and members of the commercial, rural, and urban bourgeoisie. The Constitutionalists favored the introduction of a constitution and the limitation of the prince’s authority. They achieved the overthrow of Milos Obrenovic in 1839 and of his son Mihailo in 1842, and they proclaimed as prince Alexander Karageorgevich (Karadjordjevic), who ruled from 1842 to 1858. Under Alexander the Constitutionalists in effect governed Serbia. The Great Serbian program of some of the Constitutionalists was embodied in I. Garasanin’s Narcertanije (1844), which formed the basis of the foreign policy of the Serbian bourgeoisie in the 19th and 20th centuries.


Naumov, E. P. “K istorii agrarnogo perevorota v Serbii v 30-x go-dakhXIXveka.” Sovetskoe slavianovedenie, 1971, no. 5.