falx cerebelli


 [falks] (pl. fal´ces) (L.) a sickle-shaped structure.falx cerebel´li the fold of dura mater separating the hemispheres" >cerebellar hemispheres.falx ce´rebri a sickle-shaped fold of dura mater in the longitudinal fissure, which separates the two hemispheres" >cerebral hemispheres.

falx ce·re·bel·'li

[TA] a short process of dura mater projecting forward from the internal occipital crest below the tentorium; it occupies the posterior cerebellar notch and the vallecula, and bifurcates below into two diverging limbs passing to either side of the foramen magnum. Synonym(s): cerebellar falx ☆ , falcula

falx ce·re·bel·li

(fawlks serĕ-belī) [TA] A short process of dura mater projecting forward from the internal occipital crest below the tentorium; it occupies the posterior cerebellar notch and the vallecula, and bifurcates below into two diverging limbs passing to either side of the foramen magnum.
Synonym(s): falcula.

falx ce·re·bel·li

(fawlks serĕ-belī) [TA] Short process of dura mater projecting forward from internal occipital crest below tentorium.