Cloud Movements
Cloud Movements
See Also: RAIN
- Black clouds lumbered off westward like ghosts of buffalo —W. P. Kinsella
- A billow of woolly clouds … like milk spilt on a table, commenced to cascade down the mountain side —F. van Wyck Mason
- Clouds floating around [in the sky] … like suds in a pan —Helen Hudson
- Clouds … gathered like great boneless birds —Hugh Walpole
- Clouds hastening like messengers through heaven —John Hall Wheelock
- Clouds rising like a tide of ink just beneath the moon —John Farris
- Clouds rose up from the meadows like soft creamy wings seeking the bodies of gigantic birds —Rita Mae Brown
- Clouds sailing … like a flock of birds taking flight to distant lands —Hans Christian Andersen
- Clouds that hung, like banners —Edgar Allan Poe
- Clouds that swam like lonely white fish in the sky —Robie Macauley
- Clouds would part like windows, as though to air the sky —Boris Pasternak
- Gray clouds ballooned down like the dirty underside of a great circus tent —Brian Moore
- Inky clouds, like funeral shrouds, sail over the midnight skies —W. S. Gilbert
Gilbert contributed many a simile to the famous Gilbert and Sullivan operettas, like this one from Ruddigore.
- Rain clouds scudded past like big ships sailing out of harbor —Brian Moore
- Lonely clouds were floating above, like guests strolling above the sky —Yehuda Yaari
- A rolling cloud boiled onto the horizon like black liquid —Dorothy Francis
- The sailing clouds went by, like ships upon the sea —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- There’s a feathery little cloud floatin’ by like a lonely leaf on a big blue stream —Oscar Hammerstein, II, lyrics for “Two Little People” from Carousel
- Troops of small feathery white clouds ranged over the sky, like grazing herds of the gods —Thomas Mann