Cloud Movements

Cloud Movements


See Also: RAIN

  1. Black clouds lumbered off westward like ghosts of buffalo —W. P. Kinsella
  2. A billow of woolly clouds … like milk spilt on a table, commenced to cascade down the mountain side —F. van Wyck Mason
  3. Clouds floating around [in the sky] … like suds in a pan —Helen Hudson
  4. Clouds … gathered like great boneless birds —Hugh Walpole
  5. Clouds hastening like messengers through heaven —John Hall Wheelock
  6. Clouds rising like a tide of ink just beneath the moon —John Farris
  7. Clouds rose up from the meadows like soft creamy wings seeking the bodies of gigantic birds —Rita Mae Brown
  8. Clouds sailing … like a flock of birds taking flight to distant lands —Hans Christian Andersen
  9. Clouds that hung, like banners —Edgar Allan Poe
  10. Clouds that swam like lonely white fish in the sky —Robie Macauley
  11. Clouds would part like windows, as though to air the sky —Boris Pasternak
  12. Gray clouds ballooned down like the dirty underside of a great circus tent —Brian Moore
  13. Inky clouds, like funeral shrouds, sail over the midnight skies —W. S. Gilbert

    Gilbert contributed many a simile to the famous Gilbert and Sullivan operettas, like this one from Ruddigore.

  14. Rain clouds scudded past like big ships sailing out of harbor —Brian Moore
  15. Lonely clouds were floating above, like guests strolling above the sky —Yehuda Yaari
  16. A rolling cloud boiled onto the horizon like black liquid —Dorothy Francis
  17. The sailing clouds went by, like ships upon the sea —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  18. There’s a feathery little cloud floatin’ by like a lonely leaf on a big blue stream —Oscar Hammerstein, II, lyrics for “Two Little People” from Carousel
  19. Troops of small feathery white clouds ranged over the sky, like grazing herds of the gods —Thomas Mann