constants of the eye

constants of the eye 

Average dimensions of the various parameters of the eye adopted to represent a typical eye. These vary slightly depending upon the authors, such as Donders, Gullstrand, Bennett-Rabbetts, etc. See reduced eye; schematic eye.
Table C7 Optical constants of an average adult Caucasian eye
structure or surfacerefractive indexradius of curvature (mm)distance from ant. surface
of cornea (mm)
cornea1.376 - -
aqueous humour1.336 - -
lens (total)1.42 - -
vitreous humour1.336 - -
ant. corneal surface-7.80
post. corneal surface-6.70.5
ant. lens surface-10.63.6
post. lens surface-26.27.2
retina1.363 -24.1