Central Committee of the Komsomol

Central Committee of the Komsomol


the supreme body directing the work of the Komsomol (All-Union Lenin Communist Youth League) and local Komsomol organizations during the intervals between the youth league’s congresses.

The Central Committee represents the Komsomol in state and public institutions and organizations. It approves the editorial boards of its publications, which include the central organ of the Komsomol, the newspaper Komsomol’skaia pravda. It allocates the funds of the Komsomol budget and supervises the administration of the budget. The Central Committee regularly informs the Komsomol organizations of its work. Plenums of the Central Committee are held at least once every six months.

The Central Committee is elected at Komsomol congresses, and the size of its membership is determined by the congress. For example, the Central Committee elected at the Seventeenth Congress of the Komsomol (1974) had 225 members and 59 candidate members. At its first plenum after the congress, the Central Committee elected E. M. Tiazhel’nikov as first secretary. B. N. Pastukhov became first secretary in 1977.


Ustav VLKSM. Moscow, 1976.
Slavnyi put’ Leninskogo Komsomola, vol. 2. Moscow, 1974.