

单词 domain



D0331800 (dō-mān′)n.1. A territory over which rule or control is exercised.2. A sphere of activity, influence, or knowledge: the domain of history. See Synonyms at field.3. Mathematics a. The set of all possible values of an independent variable of a function.b. An open connected set that contains at least one point.4. Computers A group of networked computers that share a common communications address.5. Physics Any of numerous contiguous regions in a ferromagnetic material in which the direction of spontaneous magnetization is uniform and different from that in neighboring regions.6. Biology Any of three primary divisions of organisms, consisting of the eukaryotes, bacteria, and archaea, that rank above a kingdom in taxonomic systems based on similarities of DNA sequences.7. Law The land of one with paramount title and absolute ownership.
[French domaine, blend of Old French demaine (from Late Latin dominicum) and Latin dominium, property, both from dominus, lord; see dem- in Indo-European roots.]


(dəˈmeɪn) n1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) land governed by a ruler or government2. land owned by one person or family3. a field or scope of knowledge or activity4. (Physical Geography) a region having specific characteristics or containing certain types of plants or animals5. (Environmental Science) Austral and NZ a park or recreation reserve maintained by a public authority, often the government6. (Law) law the absolute ownership and right to dispose of land. See also demesne, eminent domain7. (Mathematics) maths a. the set of values of the independent variable of a function for which the functional value exists: the domain of sin x is all real numbers. Compare range8ab. any open set containing at least one point8. (Logic) logic another term for universe of discourse: domain of quantification. 9. (Philosophy) philosophy range of significance (esp in the phrase domain of definition)10. (General Physics) physics Also called: magnetic domain one of the regions in a ferromagnetic solid in which all the atoms have their magnetic moments aligned in the same direction11. (Computer Science) computing a group of computers, functioning and administered as a unit, that are identified by sharing the same domain name on the internet12. (Biology) biology Also called: superkingdom the highest level of classification of living organisms. Three domains are recognized: Archaea (see archaean), Bacteria (see bacteria), and Eukarya (see eukaryote)13. (Biochemistry) biochem a structurally compact portion of a protein molecule[C17: from French domaine, from Latin dominium property, from dominus lord]



n. 1. a field of action, thought, influence, etc. 2. the territory governed by a single ruler or government; realm. 3. a region characterized by a specific feature, type of wildlife, etc. 4. Law. land to which there is superior title and absolute ownership. 5. Math. the set of values assigned to the independent variables of a function. 6. Computers. a. a group of computers and devices on a network that are administered under the same protocol. b. the top level in a domain name, indicating the type of organization or geographical location and officially designated in the suffix, as.com for commercial enterprises in the U.S. 7. one of many regions of magnetic polarity within a ferromagnetic body that collectively determine the magnetic properties of the body by their arrangement. [1595–1605; < French domaine, alter. of Old French demeine < Late Latin dominicum, n. use of neuter of Latin dominicus of a master]


(dō-mān′)1. Mathematics The set of all values that an independent variable of a function can have. In the function y = 2x, the set of values that x (the independent variable) can have is the domain. Compare range.2. Biology A division of organisms that ranks above a kingdom in systems of classification that are based on shared similarities in DNA sequences rather than shared structural similarities. In these systems, there are three domains: the archaea, the bacteria, and the eukaryotes.
Noun1.domain - a particular environment or walk of lifedomain - a particular environment or walk of life; "his social sphere is limited"; "it was a closed area of employment"; "he's out of my orbit"arena, sphere, orbit, area, fieldenvironment - the totality of surrounding conditions; "he longed for the comfortable environment of his living room"distaff - the sphere of work by womenfront - a sphere of activity involving effort; "the Japanese were active last week on the diplomatic front"; "they advertise on many different fronts"kingdom, realm, land - a domain in which something is dominant; "the untroubled kingdom of reason"; "a land of make-believe"; "the rise of the realm of cotton in the south"lap - an area of control or responsibility; "the job fell right in my lap"political arena, political sphere - a sphere of intense political activitypreserve - a domain that seems to be specially reserved for someone; "medicine is no longer a male preserve"province, responsibility - the proper sphere or extent of your activities; "it was his province to take care of himself"
2.domain - territory over which rule or control is exercised; "his domain extended into Europe"; "he made it the law of the land"demesne, landcountry, land, state - the territory occupied by a nation; "he returned to the land of his birth"; "he visited several European countries"archduchy - the domain controlled by an archduke or archduchessbarony - the domain of a baronduchy, dukedom - the domain controlled by a duke or duchessearldom - the domain controlled by an earl or count or countessemirate - the domain controlled by an emirempire, imperium - the domain ruled by an emperor or empress; the region over which imperial dominion is exercisedfiefdom - the domain controlled by a feudal lordgrand duchy - the domain controlled by a grand duke or grand duchessviscounty - the domain controlled by a viscount or viscountesskhanate - the realm of a khanrealm, kingdom - the domain ruled by a king or queenprincipality, princedom - territory ruled by a princesheikdom, sheikhdom - the domain ruled by a sheiksuzerainty - the domain of a suzerainregion - a large indefinite location on the surface of the Earth; "penguins inhabit the polar regions"
3.domain - (mathematics) the set of values of the independent variable for which a function is defineddomain of a functionmath, mathematics, maths - a science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic of quantity and shape and arrangementset - (mathematics) an abstract collection of numbers or symbols; "the set of prime numbers is infinite"
4.domain - people in general; especially a distinctive group of people with some shared interest; "the Western world"worldsocial class, socio-economic class, stratum, class - people having the same social, economic, or educational status; "the working class"; "an emerging professional class"academe, academia - the academic worldGrub Street - the world of literary hacks
5.domain - the content of a particular field of knowledgeknowledge base, knowledge domaincognitive content, mental object, content - the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learneddiscipline, field of study, subject area, subject field, bailiwick, subject, field, study - a branch of knowledge; "in what discipline is his doctorate?"; "teachers should be well trained in their subject"; "anthropology is the study of human beings"realm, region - a knowledge domain that you are interested in or are communicating about; "it was a limited realm of discourse"; "here we enter the region of opinion"; "the realm of the occult"scientific knowledge - knowledge accumulated by systematic study and organized by general principles; "mathematics is the basis for much scientific knowledge"


noun1. area, world, field, department, sector, discipline, sphere, realm, speciality the great experimenters in the domain of art2. sphere, area, field, concern, scene, sector, territory, province, arena, realm This sort of information should be in the public domain.3. kingdom, lands, region, territory, estate, province, empire, realm, dominion, demesne, policies (Scot.) the mighty king's domain4. (N.Z.) public park, park, recreation ground, garden, pleasure garden The domain includes a Victorian gazebo and riverside grotto.


nounA sphere of activity, experience, study, or interest:area, arena, bailiwick, circle, department, field, orbit, province, realm, scene, subject, terrain, territory, world.Slang: bag.


(dəˈmein) noun1. an old word for the lands which belong to a person. the king's domains. (舊語)領地 (旧语)领地 2. one's area of interest or of knowledge. That question is outside my domain. 領域 领域


ptomaine domain

Any place that serves particularly disgusting, putrid, or inedible food. ("Ptomaine" refers to amines or alkaloids produced by putrefying organic matter, typically animal tissue. Used in reference especially the dining facility of institutions such as schools or military barracks.) I would avoid that restaurant at all costs—it's a real ptomaine domain.See also: domain, ptomaine


and ptomaine-palace (ˈtoˈmen...) n. any institutional dining facility; a mess hall; a cafeteria. Welcome to the ptomaine-domain. Help yourself to some mystery meat. Time to go over to the ptomaine-palace and eat—if you can call it that.



in physics: see magnetismmagnetism,
force of attraction or repulsion between various substances, especially those made of iron and certain other metals; ultimately it is due to the motion of electric charges.
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Domain (electricity and magnetism)

A region in a solid within which elementary atomic or molecular magnetic or electric moments are uniformly aligned.

Ferromagnetic domains are regions of parallel-aligned magnetic moments. Each domain may be thought of as a tiny magnet pointing in a certain direction. The relatively thin boundary region between two domains is called a domain wall. Within a wall the magnetic moments rotate from the direction of one of the domains to the direction in the adjacent domain.

A ferromagnet generally consists of a large number of domains. For example, a sample of pure iron at room temperature contains many domains whose directions are distributed randomly, making the sample appear to be unmagnetized as a whole. Iron is called magnetically soft since the domain walls move easily if a magnetic field is applied. In a magnetically hard or permanent magnet material a net macroscopic magnetization is introduced by exposure to a large external magnetic field, but thereafter domain walls are difficult to either form or move, and the material retains its overall magnetization.

Antiferromagnetic domains are regions of antiparallel-aligned magnetic moments. They are associated with the presence of grain boundaries, twinning, and other crystal inhomogeneities.

Ferroelectric domains are electrical analogs of ferromagnetic domains. See Antiferromagnetism, Ferroelectrics, Ferromagnetism, Magnetic materials, Magnetization, Twinning (crystallography)



(1) Royal domain, hereditary land possessions of the king in the countries of Western and Central Europe in the Middle Ages. It included ancestral lands, fortresses, cities, forests, and pastures scattered in various areas of the country. It served as a fund for grants of land to the direct vassals of the king and also as the main source for the maintenance of the king and the royal court. The expansion of royal domains through the annexation of estates of large feudal lords was one of the means of strengthening royal power and eliminating feudal fragmentation. Dukes, counts, and other major feudal lords also had their own domains.

(2) Seignorial domain, part of the patrimony (or temporarily held service lands) on which the feudal lord carried on an independent (domanial) economy, using the labor of feudally dependent peasant holders or landless workers. It included arable lands (situated, as a rule, in open fields along with peasant lands), fields, orchards, structures, livestock, and tools and equipment.



in mathematics, an open connected set, that is, a set that satisfies the conditions (1) for any division of the set into two parts, at least one part contains a limit point of the other and (2) for each point in the set, some neighborhood of that point also belongs to the set. Thus, in the plane, the interior of a circle is a domain, but the set of interior points of two externally tangent circles, while open, is not a domain. A domain on a line is an open interval, either finite or infinite (seeINTERVAL AND SEGMENT). There is an infinite variety of domains in the plane. The concept of domain may be extended without change to any topological space.


[dō′mān] (computer science) The set of all possible values contained in a particular field for every record of a file. The protected resources that are surrounded by the security perimeter of a distributed computer system. Also known as enclave; protected subnetwork. The final two or three letters of an Internet address, which specifies the highest subdivision; in the United States this is the type of organization, such as commercial, educational, or governmental, while outside the United States it is usually a country. (mathematics) For a function, the set of values of the independent variable. A nonempty open connected set in Euclidean space. Also known as open region; region. Abelian field (solid-state physics) A region in a solid within which elementary atomic or molecular magnetic or electric moments are uniformly arrayed.


1. land governed by a ruler or government 2. a region having specific characteristics or containing certain types of plants or animals 3. Austral and NZ a park or recreation reserve maintained by a public authority, often the government 4. Law the absolute ownership and right to dispose of land 5. Mathsa. the set of values of the independent variable of a function for which the functional value exists b. any open set containing at least one point 6. Logic another term for universe of discourse (esp in the phrase domain of quantification) 7. Philosophy range of significance (esp in the phrase domain of definition) 8. Physics one of the regions in a ferromagnetic solid in which all the atoms have their magnetic moments aligned in the same direction 9. Computing a group of computers that have the same suffix (domain name) in their names on the internet, specifying the country, type of institution, etc. where they are located 10. Biology the highest level of classification of living organisms. Three domains are recognized: Archaea (see archaean), Bacteria (see bacteria), and Eukarya (see eukaryote) 11. Biochem a structurally compact portion of a protein molecule


(networking)A group of computers whose fully qualified domain names (FQDN) share a common suffix, the "domain name".

The Domain Name System maps hostnames to Internet address using a hierarchical namespace where each level inthe hierarchy contributes one component to the FQDN. Forexample, the computer foldoc.doc.ic.ac.uk is in thedoc.ic.ac.uk domain, which is in the ic.ac.uk domain, which isin the ac.uk domain, which is in the uk top-level domain.

A domain name can contain up to 67 characters including thedots that separate components. These can be letters, numbersand hyphens.


(2)An administrative domain is something to do with routing.


(3)Distributed Operating Multi Access Interactive Network.


(mathematics)In the theory of functions, the set ofargument values for which a function is defined.

See domain theory.


(programming)A specific phase of the software life cyclein which a developer works. Domains define developers' andusers' areas of responsibility and the scope of possiblerelationships between products.


(6)The subject or market in which a piece of software isdesigned to work.


(1) In a LAN, a subnetwork made up of a group of clients and servers under the control of one security database. Dividing LANs into domains improves performance and security.

(2) In a communications network, all resources under the control of a single computer system.

(3) On the Internet, a registration category. See domain name and Internet domain name.

(4) In database management, all possible values contained in a particular field for every record in the file.

(5) A group of end points (phones or gateways) in a SIP telephony environment. See SIP.

(6) In magnetic storage devices, a group of molecules that makes up one bit.

(7) In a hierarchy, a named group that has control over the groups under it, which may be domains themselves.



(dō-mān'), 1. Homologous unit of approximately 110-120 amino acids, groups of which make up the light and heavy chains of the immunoglobulin molecule; each serves a specific function. The light chain has two domains, one in the variable region and one in the constant region of the chain; the heavy chain has four to five domains, depending on the class of immunoglobulin, one in the variable region and the remaining ones in the constant region. 2. A region of a protein having some distinctive physical feature or role. 3. An independently folded, globular structure composed of one section of a polypeptide chain. A domain may interact with another domain; it may be associated with a particular function. Domains can vary in size. [Fr. domaine, fr. L. dominium, property, dominion]


(dō-mān′)n. Biology Any of three primary divisions of organisms, consisting of the eukaryotes, bacteria, and archaea, that rank above a kingdom in taxonomic systems based on similarities of DNA sequences.


Any of a collection of observations with a topic-specific commonality about each subject in a clinical trial, which the Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) divides into different classes:
• Interventions class;
• Events class;
• Findings class.


(dō-mān') 1. Homologous unit of 110-120 amino acids, groups of which make up the light and heavy chains of the immunoglobulin molecule; each serves a specific function. The light chain has two domains, one in the variable region and one in the constant region of the chain; the heavy chain has four to five domains, depending on the class of immunoglobulin, one in the variable region and the remaining ones in the constant region. 2. A region of a protein having some distinctive physical feature or role. 3. An independently folded, globular structure composed of one section of a polypeptide chain. A domain may interact with another domain; it may be associated with a particular function. Domains can vary in size. [Fr. domaine, fr. L. dominium, property, dominion]


1. Of a protein, a discrete length of the amino acid sequence that is known to be associated with a specific function. 2. Of a chromosome, a region in which supercoiling occurs independently of other domains; or a region that includes a gene of raised sensitivity to degradation by DNASE I.


  1. a structurally or functionally distinct part of a PROTEIN.
  2. any of three primary groupings (‘superkingdoms’): ARCHAEA, BACTERIA or EUCARYA, into which all ORGANISMS are placed in modern CLASSIFICATIONS based on genetic structures and sequences.

Patient discussion about domain

Q. What other illnesses are similar to asthma? I am 45 years old. My doctor suspects I might have adult asthma but there has yet been a final diagnosis made. What other problems might this be?A. Before diagnosing someone as asthmatic, alternative possibilities should be considered. A clinician taking a history should check whether the patient is using any known bronchoconstrictors (substances that cause narrowing of the airways, e.g., certain anti-inflammatory agents or beta-blockers). Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which closely resembles asthma, is correlated with more exposure to cigarette smoke, an older patient, and decreased likelihood of family history of atopy. Your physician should examine these possibilities as well before diagnosing.

More discussions about domain


Related to Domain: Domain registration


The complete and absolute ownership of land. Also the real estate so owned. The inherent sovereign power claimed by the legislature of a state, of controlling private property for public uses, is termed the right of eminent domain.

National domain is sometimes applied to the aggregate of the property owned directly by a nation. Public domain embraces all lands, the title to which is in the United States, including land occupied for the purposes of federal buildings, arsenals, dock-yards, and so on, and land of an agricultural or mineral character not yet granted to private owners.

Sphere of influence. Range of control or rule; realm.

DOMAIN. It signifies sometimes, dominion, territory governed - sometimes, possession, estate - and sometimes, land about the mansion house of a lord. By domain is also understood the right to dispose at our pleasure of what belongs to us.
2. A distinction, has been made between property and domain. The former is said to be that quality which is conceived to be in the thing itself, considered as belonging to such or such person, exclusively of all others. By the latter is understood that right which the owner has of disposing of the thing. Hence domain and property are said to be correlative terms; the one is the active right to dispose, the other a passive quality which follows the thing, and places it at the disposition of the owner. 3 Toull. n. 8 3. But this distinction is too subtle for practical use. Puff. Droit de la Nature et des Gens, loi 4, c. 4, Sec. 2. Vide 1 B1. Com. 105, 106; 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 456; Clef des Lois Rom. h.t.; Domat, h.t.; 1 Hill. Ab. 24; 2 Hill. Ab. 237; and Demesne as Of fee; Property; Things.


DOMAINDistributed Operating Multi Access Interactive Network
DOMAINDistributed Operating Multi-Access Interactive Network
DOMAINDefence Online Management and Instructional Network (Australia)


Related to domain: Domain registration
  • noun

Synonyms for domain

noun area


  • area
  • world
  • field
  • department
  • sector
  • discipline
  • sphere
  • realm
  • speciality

noun sphere


  • sphere
  • area
  • field
  • concern
  • scene
  • sector
  • territory
  • province
  • arena
  • realm

noun kingdom


  • kingdom
  • lands
  • region
  • territory
  • estate
  • province
  • empire
  • realm
  • dominion
  • demesne
  • policies

noun public park


  • public park
  • park
  • recreation ground
  • garden
  • pleasure garden

Synonyms for domain

noun a sphere of activity, experience, study, or interest


  • area
  • arena
  • bailiwick
  • circle
  • department
  • field
  • orbit
  • province
  • realm
  • scene
  • subject
  • terrain
  • territory
  • world
  • bag

Synonyms for domain

noun a particular environment or walk of life


  • arena
  • sphere
  • orbit
  • area
  • field

Related Words

  • environment
  • distaff
  • front
  • kingdom
  • realm
  • land
  • lap
  • political arena
  • political sphere
  • preserve
  • province
  • responsibility

noun territory over which rule or control is exercised


  • demesne
  • land

Related Words

  • country
  • land
  • state
  • archduchy
  • barony
  • duchy
  • dukedom
  • earldom
  • emirate
  • empire
  • imperium
  • fiefdom
  • grand duchy
  • viscounty
  • khanate
  • realm
  • kingdom
  • principality
  • princedom
  • sheikdom
  • sheikhdom
  • suzerainty
  • region

noun (mathematics) the set of values of the independent variable for which a function is defined


  • domain of a function

Related Words

  • math
  • mathematics
  • maths
  • set

noun people in general


  • world

Related Words

  • social class
  • socio-economic class
  • stratum
  • class
  • academe
  • academia
  • Grub Street

noun the content of a particular field of knowledge


  • knowledge base
  • knowledge domain

Related Words

  • cognitive content
  • mental object
  • content
  • discipline
  • field of study
  • subject area
  • subject field
  • bailiwick
  • subject
  • field
  • study
  • realm
  • region
  • scientific knowledge




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