Duncan mechanism

Dun·can mech·a·nism

(dŭng'kăn), passage of the placenta from the uterus with the rough side foremost.

Dun·can mech·a·nism

(dŭng'kăn mek'ă-nizm) Passage of the placenta from the uterus with the rough side foremost.

Duncan mechanism

(dung'kan) The progress of placental separation inward from the edges, presenting the maternal surface of the placenta on expulsion. See: Schulze mechanism

Duncan mechanism

Delivery of the placenta when separation begins at the outer margins and progresses inward, presenting the rough maternal side first.See also: mechanism


James M., Scottish gynecologist, 1826-1890. Duncan curetteDuncan endometrial biopsy curetteDuncan endometrial curetteDuncan fold - the folds on the peritoneal surface of the uterus immediately after delivery.Duncan mechanism - passage of the placenta from the uterus with the rough side foremost.Duncan positionDuncan ventricle - a slitlike, fluid-filled space of variable width between the left and right transparent septum, which may communicate with the third ventricle. Synonym(s): cavity of septum pellucidum