Eduardo Acevedo
Acevedo, Eduardo
Born Jan. 29, 1857, in Buenos Aires; died Jan. 14, 1948, in Montevideo. Uruguayan statesman and public figure, historian, economist, and journalist.
From 1888 he contributed to the newspapers El Siglo and El Tiempo. He took an active part in the reform of the educational system in the late 19th century. He was rector of the University of the Republic of Uruguay in 1904–06, minister of industry in 1911–12, director of the state bank in 1914–24, general director of elementary and pedagogical schools in 1925–29, and president of state administration of combustibles, alcohol, and cement production in 1931–33. His policy was to consolidate the position of the national bourgeoisie. In his works on political economy and finance he advocated the economic sovereignty of Uruguay; his historical works concentrate mainly on Uruguay’s attainment of independence.
Anales históricos del Uruguay, vols. 1–6. Montevideo, 1933–36.Economía política y finanzas. Montevideo, 1903.
José Artigas: Alegato histórico, vols. 1–3. Montevideo, 1950.