Acronym | Definition |
EDSP➣Education for Development Scholarship Program (Overseas Workers Welfare Administration; Philippines) |
EDSP➣Exchange Delivery Settlement Price (finance/investing) |
EDSP➣École Départementale des Sapeurs Pompiers (French: Firefighters Departmental School) |
EDSP➣Early Developmental Stages of Psychopathology (clinical psychology and epidemiology study) |
EDSP➣École Doctorale Sciences Pratiques (French: Science Practices Graduate School) |
EDSP➣Espace de Développement des Services à la Personne (French: Personal Services Development Area) |
EDSP➣Endocrine Disruptors Screening Program |
EDSP➣Endoscopic Double-Snare Polypectomy (gastric cancer treatment) |
EDSP➣Everyday Simple Pricing (various companies) |
EDSP➣Education and Social Policy (New York University; New York, NY) |
EDSP➣Electronic Digital Signal Processing |
EDSP➣Engineering Design Support to Production |