Clostridium septicum

Clos·trid·i·um sep·'ti·cum

a bacterial species found in malignant edema of animals, in human battle wounds, and in cases of appendicitis; it is pathogenic for guinea pigs, rabbits, mice, and pigeons and produces an exotoxin that is lethal and hemolytic. Synonym(s): Vibrion septique

Clos·trid·i·um sep·ti·cum

(klos-trid'ē-ŭm sep'ti-kŭm) Gram-positive, anaerobic bacillus associated with gas gangrene or myonecrosis; infection occurs when the organism contaminates wounds through trauma or surgery.

Clostridium septicum

A species found in cases of gangrene in humans, as well as in cattle, hogs, and other domestic animals. See also: Clostridium