Acronym | Definition |
FBP➣Folate Binding Protein |
FBP➣Fructose Bisphosphate |
FBP➣Filtered Back-Projection (algorithm) |
FBP➣Filtered Back Projection |
FBP➣Fédération Belge des Podologues (French: Belgian Federation of Podiatrists) |
FBP➣Food by Prescription (healthcare) |
FBP➣Final Boiling Point |
FBP➣Federal Bureau of Prisons |
FBP➣Fédération Belge des Psychologues (French: Belgian Federation of Psychologists; Belgium) |
FBP➣France Business Partner |
FBP➣Fédération Belge des Photographes (French: Belgian Federation of Photographers) |
FBP➣Friends of the Border Patrol |
FBP➣Fracture Breakdown Pressure (geomechanics) |
FBP➣Fee Basis Provider (US DoD) |
FBP➣Flexible Benefit Plan (insurance) |
FBP➣Fringe Benefit Pool (various organizations) |
FBP➣Final Bulk Product |
FBP➣Fleet Boat Pool (US Navy) |
FBP➣Full Blood Picture |
FBP➣Fluid Bed Processor (materials processing) |
FBP➣Foreign Buyer Program |
FBP➣Flamenco Black Pearl (Honda paint color) |
FBP➣Foreign Bills Purchased (banks) |
FBP➣Factory Based Price |
FBP➣Fluid Balance Panel (medical tests) |
FBP➣Federal Business Practice(s) |
FBP➣Fires Behavior Prediction (forestry industry) |