Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park

Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / North Dakota
Location:7 miles south of Mandan on Highway 1806.
Facilities:95 modern campsites with electrical hookups, showers, sleeping cabins,picnic shelters, playground, hiking trails, historic buildings, visitorcenter.
Activities:Camping, hiking, interpretive tours.
Special Features:Rich in military and Indian history, Fort Abraham Lincoln was once an importantinfantry and cavalry post. It was from here that Lieutenant ColonelGeorge Custer and the Seventh Cavalry rode out on their ill-fatedexpedition against the Sioux at the Little Big Horn. Portions of themilitary post, including the Custer House, have been reconstructed.Reconstructed earthlodges at the park's On-A-Slant Indian Villagedepict the lifestyle of the Mandan Indians, who occupied this site fromabout 1575-1781.
Address:4480 Fort Lincoln Rd
Mandan, ND 58554

Size: 1,006 acres.

See other parks in North Dakota.