

单词 eds


Noun1.EDS - a rapid automatic system to detect plastic explosives in passengers' luggage using X-ray technology and computers; designed for use in airportsexplosive detection systemsystem - instrumentality that combines interrelated interacting artifacts designed to work as a coherent entity; "he bought a new stereo system"; "the system consists of a motor and a small computer"



Enhanced Directory Service


(Electronic Data Systems, Plano, TX, www.eds.com) Founded in 1962 by H. Ross Perot (independent candidate for the President of the U.S. in 1992), EDS is the largest outsourcing and data processing services organization in the country. It is the leading services provider to the healthcare, insurance and banking industries. In 1984, EDS was acquired by General Motors. Within a couple of years, Perot left EDS and later formed Perot Systems Corporation. In 1996, GM spun off EDS as an independent company.

EDS is known for huge contracts. For example, in 1994, Xerox contracted with it for 10 years worth of outsourcing valued at more than three billion dollars. In 2008, EDS was acquired by Hewlett-Packard (see HP).



Abbreviation for Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

Patient discussion about EDS

Q. Does Viagra have any side effects? My boyfriend started taking Viagra and now he has headaches. Could this be caused by the Viagra?A. Yes, headaches are a side effect of Viagra. Other common side effects are facial flushing, upset stomach and a temporary bluish vision. If this persists, he should consult his Doctor.

Q. What are the risks of taking Viagra? Are there any risks in taking Viagra in the long term?A. The US Food and Drug Administration identified 50 men with blindness who have taken Viagra, but who also had diabetes and heart disease, which is known to cause blindness. Therefore, it is not certain if it was caused directly from the Viagra.
The FDA informed healthcare professionals in October, 2007 that drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction, including Viagra, may increase risk of sudden hearing loss.

More discussions about EDS


EDSElectronic Data Systems Corporation
EDSExplosive Detection System
EDSEvent Driven Scheduling
EDSElectronic Data Systems
EDSEconomic Development Strategy (various locations)
EDSElectrostatic Discharge Sensitive (electronics)
EDSEconomics and Decision Sciences
EDSEssential Dental Systems (Hackensack, NJ)
EDSElectronic Design and Solution (trade show)
EDSEarly Detection System
EDSExcessive Daytime Sleepiness (sleep-disorder term)
EDSEpiscopal Divinity School (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA)
EDSEnte Dello Spettacolo (Italian cinema organization)
EDSEssential Day Spa (skin care forum)
EDSEnergy Dispersive Spectroscopy
EDSEducation Data System (software)
EDSEvolution Data Server (software)
EDSEngineering Design Specification
EDSElectronic Data Sheet
EDSElectron Devices Society (IEEE)
EDSEconomic Development Solutions (various organizations)
EDSEnvironmental Defence Society (New Zealand)
EDSÉquations Différentielles Stochastiques (French: Stochastic Differential Equations)
EDSÉchelle de Sédation (French: Sedation Scale; health)
EDSEvent Driven Software (various organizations)
EDSExplosive Destruction System (munitions destruction)
EDSEnhanced Dialled Services
EDSExtended Data Service
EDSEngineering Data Set
EDSElectronic Data System
EDSEnhanced Definition Synthesis
EDSEuphoria Database System
EDSEnqueuer Dequeuer Scheduler
EDSElectronic Diesel System
EDSElectronic Differential System
EDSExchange Domain Server
EDSEvolution Data Server
EDSExtended Download Service (software)
EDSEvery Day Survival (forum)
EDSEnergy Dissipation System
EDSExecutive Development Seminar (various organizations)
EDSEnergy Dispersive Spectrometer (attachment for scanning electron microscope for chemical analysis)
EDSEarth Departure Stage
EDSElectronic Design Services
EDSEducational Development Service (UK)
EDSElectrical Distribution Systems
EDSEducational Specialist Degree
EDSEspace Départemental des Solidarités (French: Area of Department Solidarity)
EDSEgg Drop Syndrome
EDSEuropéenne de Spectacles (French: European Spectacles)
EDSElection Data Services
EDSÉcole Départementale de Spéléologie (French: Caving School Department)
EDSEuropean Desalination Society
EDSEnterprise Development Services
EDSEnvironmental Data Service
EDSElectrostatic Decontamination System (chemical and biological weapons)
EDSEpiscopalian Diocese of Santiago (Philippines)
EDSEuropean Democrat Students
EDSElectronic Delivery System
EDSElectronic Data Submission
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EDSEmbedded Diagnostic System
EDSElectronic Display System
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EDSEmployee Development Specialist
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EDSEmployee Development System
EDSEurope Distribution Service (France)
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EDSEngine Diagnostic System
EDSEngineering Data System
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EDSEngineering Data Systems
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EDSEnterprise Database System
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EDSEngineering Demonstration System
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EDSExternal Designation System (military targets)


  • noun

Synonyms for EDS

noun a rapid automatic system to detect plastic explosives in passengers' luggage using X-ray technology and computers


  • explosive detection system

Related Words

  • system




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