释义 |
external pudendal veins
ex·ter·nal pu·den·dal veins [TA] these correspond to the arteries of the same name; they empty into the great saphenous vein or directly into the femoral vein, and receive the superficial dorsal vein of the penis (or clitoris) and the anterior scrotal (or labial) veins. Synonym(s): venae pudendae externae [TA]ex·ter·nal pu·den·dal veins (eks-tĕr'năl pū-den'dăl vānz) [TA] These correspond to the arteries of the same name; they empty into the great saphenous vein or directly into the femoral vein, and receive the superficial dorsal vein of the penis (or clitoris) and the anterior scrotal (or labial) veins. |