

单词 centigrade



C0199200 (sĕn′tĭ-grād′)adj. Abbr. C or cent. Celsius.
[French : centi-, centi- + grade, degree (from Italian grado, rank, degree, from Latin gradus, step; see ghredh- in Indo-European roots).]


(ˈsɛntɪˌɡreɪd) adj (Units) a former name for Celsiusn (Units) a unit of angle equal to one hundredth of a gradeUsage: Although still used in meteorology, centigrade, when indicating the Celsius scale of temperature, is now usually avoided because of its possible confusion with the hundredth part of a grade


(ˈsɛn tɪˌgreɪd)

adj. 1. divided into 100 degrees, as a scale. 2. (cap.) Celsius. Abbr.: cent. Symbol: C. [1805–15; < French]


(sĕn′tĭ-grād′) See Celsius.Usage Because of confusion over the prefix centi-, which originally meant 100 but developed the meaning 1/100 , scientists agreed to stop using the term centigrade in 1948. They use the term Celsius instead.
Adj.1.centigrade - of or relating to a temperature scale on which the freezing point of water is 0 degrees and the boiling point of water is 100 degrees


(ˈsentigreid) adjective (often abbreviated to C when written) as measured on a centigrade thermometer. twenty degrees centigrade; 20C. 攝氏的 摄氏的centigrade thermometer a thermometer which shows the temperature at which water freezes as 0, and that at which it boils as 100. 攝氏溫度計 摄氏温度计



1. a former name for Celsius2. a unit of angle equal to one hundredth of a grade


The thermometer scale, divided into 100 degrees, in which 0°C is the freezing point of water and 100°C is the boiling point.



 [skāl] 1. a thin flake or compacted platelike body, as of cornified epithelial cells. See also squama.2. a scheme or device by which some property may be measured (as hardness, weight, linear dimension).3. to remove incrustations or other material from a surface, as from the enamel of teeth.absolute scale (absolute temperature scale) 1. one with its zero at absolute zero (−273.15°C, −459.67°F).2. Kelvin s.ASIA scale a descriptive tool developed by the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) as a part of the complete classification of patients with spinal cord injuries. Called also Frankel Classification. See accompanying table.Bayley S's of Infant Development a psychological test for assessing development of infants, using motor, mental, and behavioral developmental scales.Borg scale a numerical scale for assessing dyspnea" >dyspnea, from 0 representing no dyspnea to 10 as maximal dyspnea.Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment scale a behavioral assessment scale used to evaluate the interactive behavior of a newborn by its responses to environmental stimuli.Celsius scale (C) a temperature scale with zero at the freezing point of water and the normal boiling point of water at 100 degrees. The abbreviation 100°C should be read “one hundred degrees Celsius.” (For equivalents of Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures, see Appendix.)centigrade scale one with 100 gradations or steps between two fixed points, as the Celsius scale.Fahrenheit scale (F) a temperature scale with the freezing point of water at 32 degrees and the normal boiling point of water at 212 degrees. The abbreviation 100°F should be read “one hundred degrees Fahrenheit.” (For equivalents of Fahrenheit and Celsius temperatures, see Appendix.)French scale one used for denoting the size of catheters, sounds, and other tubular instruments, each French unit (symbol F) being approximately 0.33 mm in diameter.Glasgow Coma scale a standardized system for assessing response to stimuli in a neurologically impaired patient, assessing eye opening, verbal response, and motor ability. Reaction scores are depicted in numerical values, thus minimizing the problem of ambiguous and vague terms to describe the patient's neurologic status. (See accompanying Table.) The total score is obtained by adding E, M, and V; a score of 7 or less indicates coma and a score of 9 or more rules out coma.Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) scale a hundred-point scale used as axis V of DSM-IV to assess a client's recent and current levels of social, psychological, and occupational functioning.gray scale a representation of intensities in shades of gray, as in gray-scale ultrasonography.interval scale a scale having equal numerical distances between intervals in addition to mutually exclusive categories, exhaustive categories, and rank ordering but no zero point.Karnofsky scale (Karnofsky performance scale) a widely used scale" >performance scale, assigning scores ranging from 0 for a nonfunctional or dead patient to 100 for one with completely normal functioning.Kelvin scale an absolute scale in which the unit of measurement, the kelvin, corresponds to that of the Celsius scale; therefore the ice point is at 273.15 kelvins.Likert scale a tool used to determine opinions or attitudes; it contains a list of declarative statements, each followed by a scale on which the subject is to indicate degrees of intensity of a given feeling.Neonatal Behavior Assessment scale Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale.performance scale a scale that measures a patient's status" >performance status, serving as a prognostic indicator of seriousness of disease or disability. The most widely used scale is the scale" >Karnofsky scale.Problem Rating scale for Outcomes see problem rating scale for outcomes.semantic differential scale a measurement device that consists of two opposite adjectives with a seven-point scale between them; each item under examination is assigned to a specific point on the scale.temperature scale one for expressing degree of heat, based on absolute zero as a reference point, or with a certain value arbitrarily assigned to such temperatures as the ice point and boiling point of water.

cen·ti·grade (C),

(sen'ti-grād), Avoid the mispronunciation sahn'ti-grād.1. Basis of the former temperature scale in which 100 degrees separated the melting and boiling points of water. 2. One hundredth of a circle, equal to 3.6° of the astronomic circle. [L. centum, one hundred, + gradus, step, degree]


(C) (sen'ti-grād) 1. Basis of an earlier temperature scale in which 100° separates the melting and boiling points of water.
See: Celsius scale
2. One hundredth of a circle, equal to 3.6 degrees of the astronomic circle. [L. centum, one hundred, + gradus, step, degree]


This is identical, in every respect, to the CELSIUS SCALE. Centigrade literally means ‘100 levels’ and this is what the Celsius scale contains. The change to Celsius was purely for honorific reasons.
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