

(ĕ-sof'ă-gram), A radiographic record of contrast esophagography or barium swallow. Synonym(s): esophagogram

barium swallow

A technique in which a radiocontrast “milkshake” of barium sulfate is swallowed to detect benign or malignant lesions of the pharynx, oesophagus, stomach and small intestine and evaluate the integrity of the swallowing mechanism; the progress of the barium is followed radiographically to detect filling defects—e.g., places where a normal outline of barium should be seen but is not.
Detection of foreign bodies, strictures, tumours, Barrett’s oesophagus, fistulas, reflux; definitive diagnosis of lesions requires endoscopic biopsy.


Barium swallow GI disease A series of x-rays of the esophagus taken after the Pt drinks a barium solution, which coats and outlines the esophagus