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DictionarySeespasmesophageal spasm
e·soph·a·ge·al spasma disorder of the motility of the esophagus characterized by pain or forceful eructations after swallowing food. Esophageal muscle contractions are of excessive force and duration. Chest pain can be confused with symptoms of cardiac or other origin.esophageal spasm GI disease A dysmotility of the LES, characterized by retrosternal anginal pain or heartburn. See GERD, Lower esophageal sphincter. e·soph·a·ge·al spasm (ĕ-sofă-jēăl spazm) Disorder of the motility of the esophagus characterized by pain or forceful belches after swallowing food. Esophageal muscle contractions are of excessive force and duration. Chest pain can be confused with symptoms of cardiac or other origin. Synonym(s): oesophageal spasm. e·soph·a·ge·al spasm (ĕ-sofă-jēăl spazm) Disorder of motility of esophagus characterized by pain or belching after swallowing. |