Acronym | Definition |
CSAF➣Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework |
CSAF➣Chief of Staff, United States Air Force |
CSAF➣Children's Services Assessment Form (UK) |
CSAF➣Contingency Aeromedical Staging Facility |
CSAF➣Colorado Springs Air Force (Colorado) |
CSAF➣Chemical-Specific Adjustment Factor |
CSAF➣Customer Service Action Form |
CSAF➣Center for the Study of Alternative Futures |
CSAF➣Canadian Scottish Athletic Federation |
CSAF➣Cambodian Student Association of Fresno (California) |
CSAF➣Controlled Shear Affinity Filtration |
CSAF➣Czechoslovakian Air Force |
CSAF➣Council on Student Activity Funds |
CSAF➣Christian School Athletic Fellowship |
CSAF➣Compound Specific Adjustment Factors |
CSAF➣Christian School Athletics Fellowship |
CSAF➣Center of Strategic Analysis and Forecasts |
CSAF➣CS Adaptation Function |
CSAF➣Czech-Slovakia Anarchist Federation |
CSAF➣combat scene of action frequency |
CSAF➣Complex-Specific Assembly Factor |
CSAF➣Community Service Approval Form |
CSAF➣Customer Service Agreement Form |