[dij´ĭ-bīnd]digoxin immune Fab
(di-jox-in im-myoon fab) digoxinimmunefab,Digibind
(trade name),DigiFab
(trade name)Classification
Therapeutic: antidotesPharmacologic: antibody fragments
Therapeutic effects
Time/action profile (reversal of arrhythmias and hyperkalemia; reversal of inotropic effect may take several hr)
IV | 30 min (variable) | unknown | 2–6 hr |
Adverse Reactions/Side Effects
- re-emergence of atrial fibrillation
- re-emergence of HF
Fluid and Electrolyte
- hypokalemia (life-threatening)
Drug-Drug interaction
Prevents therapeutic response to digoxin.Route/Dosage
Digibind—38 mg of digoxin immune Fab will bind 0.5 mg of digoxin. Each vial contains 38 mg of digoxin immune Fab; DigiFab—40 mg of digoxin immune Fab will bind 0.5 mg of digoxin. Each vial contains 40 mg of digoxin immune FabKnown Amount of Digoxin Ingested (Administered)
Known Serum Digoxin Concentrations (SDCs)
Unknown Amount Ingested/SDCs Unavailable
Toxicity during chronic digoxin therapy
Nursing implications
Nursing assessment
- Monitor ECG, pulse, BP, and body temperature before and during treatment. Patients with atrial fibrillation may develop a rapid ventricular response as a result of decreased digoxin levels.
- Assess patient for increase in signs of HF (peripheral edema, dyspnea, rales/crackles, weight gain).
- Lab Test Considerations: Monitor serum digoxin levels before administration.
- Monitor serum potassium levels frequently during treatment. Before treatment, hyperkalemia usually coexists with toxicity. Levels may decrease rapidly; hypokalemia should be treated promptly.
- Free serum digoxin levels fall rapidly after administration. Total serum concentrations rise suddenly after administration but are bound to the Fab molecule and are inactive. Total serum concentrations will decrease to undetectable levels within several days. Serum digoxin levels are not valid for 5–7 days after administration.
Potential Nursing Diagnoses
Deficient knowledge, related to medication regimen (Patient/Family Teaching)Implementation
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation equipment and medications should be available during administration.
- Delay redigitalization for several days until the elimination of digoxin immune Fab from the body is complete.
Intravenous Administration
- pH: 6.0–8.0.
- Intermittent Infusion: Diluent: Reconstitute each vial in 4 mL of sterile water for injection and mix gently. Solution will contain a concentration of 9.5 mg/mL (Digibind) or 10 mg/mL (DigiFab). May be further diluted with 0.9% NaCl to achieve the concentration below. Reconstituted solution should be used immediately but is stable for 4 hr if refrigerated. For small doses in infants and children, a reconstituted 38-mg vial can be diluted with 34 mL of 0.9% NaCl (Digibind) or 36 mL of 0.9% NaCl (DigiFab) for a concentration of 1 mg/mL. Concentration: 1 mg/mL.
- Rate: Infuse over 30 min through a 0.22-micron membrane filter. If cardiac arrest is imminent, rapid direct IV injection may be used. Do not use rapid direct injection in other patients because of increased risk of adverse reactions. Small doses in infants and children may be administered with a tuberculin syringe.
- Incompatibility: Information unavailable. Do not mix with other drugs or solutions.
Patient/Family Teaching
- Explain the procedure and purpose of the treatment to the patient.
- Instruct patient to notify health care provider immediately if signs of delayed allergic reaction (rash, pruritus, urticaria) occur after hospital discharge.
Evaluation/Desired Outcomes
- Resolution of signs and symptoms of digoxin toxicity.
- Decreased digoxin or level without major side effects.
Adverse effects Rare, in patients with a history of allergy, especially to antibiotics; low cardiac output states and congestive heart failure may be exacerbated by withdrawal of the inotropic effects of digitalis. Hypokalemia may occur from re-activation of (sodium, potassium) ATPase