Austin Creek State Recreation Area
Austin Creek State Recreation Area
Location:2 miles north of Guerneville on Armstrong Woods Road. Access is via asteep and narrow winding mountain road; vehicles more than 20 feet longand all towed vehicles are prohibited.
Facilities:24 family campsites with flush toilets and potable water (no showers),primitive back country campsites, picnic areas, multi-use trails (22miles).
Activities:Camping, hiking, horseback riding.
Special Features:The Austin Creek SRA is adjacent to Armstrong Redwoods State Reserveand is accessed through the same entrance, but the recreation area'stopography is a strong contrast to the primeval redwood forest. Herethe deep ravines, grassy hillsides, and rocky mountaintopsprovide an excellent resource for hikers and equestrians, with miles of trails and panoramic wilderness views.
Address:c/o North Bay District Office
PO Box 123
Duncan Mills, CA 95430
Size: 5,927 acres. Elevation: 150 to 1,500 feet.
See other parks in California.