


a large tribe that lived in the Dnieper River basin north of the Scythians and in the vicinity of the Sarmatians; Herodotus described them in his writings. The Budins had wooden fortifications. They took part in the Scythians’ war against Darius I. The Chastye and Mastiuginskie burial mounds near Voronezh are probably Budin. The Budins’ ethnic affiliation is disputed. Some scholars think that they spoke a Finnic language and were the ancestors of the Mordvinians, while others maintain that the Budins were Iranian tribes.


Liberov, P. D. “Issledovanie lesostepnoi skifskoi ekspeditsii Instituta arkheologii AN SSSR na Srednem Dony za 11 let.” In the collection Etnogenez mordovskogo naroda. Saransk, 1965.
Liberov, P. D. “Pamiatniki skifskogo vremeni na Srednem Dony.” In the series Arkheologiia SSSR: Svod arkheologicheskikh istochnikov, part D1-31. Moscow, 1965.