Dolci, Danilo

Dolci, Danilo


Born June 28, 1924, in Trieste. Italian writer and public figure. Dolci has carried on wide cultural, educational, and agitational activity to improve the hard life of the poor in Sicily. Dolci’s books are original works of documentary reportage that expose the social order of Sicily: the poverty and backwardness of the countryside which engender criminality (Bandits in Partinico, 1955) and unemployment (Investigation in Palermo, 1956). In Waste (1960) and Conversations (1962) the analysis of the political and economic causes of the disastrous conditions in Sicily is deepened. Dolci has been repeatedly arrested and subjected to judicial harassment. He received the International Lenin Prize for Strengthening Peace Between Nations in 1957.


Inventare ilfuturo. Bari, 1968.
In Russian translation:
“Pod nebom Sitsilii,” Inostrannaia literatura, 1962, no. 9.
“Besproigryshnaia igra.” Inostrannaia literatura, 1967, no. 6.


Erenburg, I. “Danilo Dolci—pobornik mira.” Literaturnaia gazeta, November 26, 1959.
Potapova, Z. M. Neorealizm v ital’ianskoi literature. Moscow, 1961. Pages 87-90.
Capitini, A. Danilo Dolci. Manduria, 1958.