释义 |
FOabbr.1. field-grade officer2. field order3. finance officer4. flight officer5. foreign officefo the internet domain name for (Computer Science) Faeroe Islands
Fo (fəʊ) n (Biography) Dario (ˈdærɪəʊ). born 1926, Italian playwright and actor. His plays include The Accidental Death of an Anarchist (1970), Trumpets and Raspberries (1984), and The Tricks of the Trade (1991): Nobel prize for literature 1997
FO abbreviation for 1. (Military) army Field Officer 2. (Military) air force Flying Officer 3. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Foreign Office 4. (Automotive Engineering) Faeroe Islands (international car registration) [(for sense 4) from Faeroese Fōroyar]Fo (foʊ) n. Dario, born 1926, Italian playwright: Nobel prize 1997. fo. folio. F.O. 1. field officer. 2. foreign office. 3. Mil. forward observer. ThesaurusNoun | 1. FO - an officer holding the rank of major or lieutenant colonel or colonelfield officer, field-grade officerarmed forces, armed services, military, military machine, war machine - the military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker"commissioned military officer - a commissioned officer in the Army or Air Force or Marine Corps |
fo shizzleslang For sure; definitely; absolutely. A: "Yo, you going to the party tonight?" B: "Fo shizzle!"See also: FO, shizzlefo shizzle, my nizzleslang For sure; definitely; absolutely. The phrase is a stylized slang variant of "for sure, my nigga." Though it originates in African-American vernacular, it is often used by people of other ethnicities as a kind of parody of hip hop language or culture that can be considered offensive. A: "Yo, you going to the party tonight?" B: "Fo shizzle, my nizzle!"See also: FO, nizzlefo shoslang For sure; definitely; absolutely. A: "Yo, you going to the party tonight?" B: "Fo sho!"See also: FO, shofo shizzle and fo sho phr. for sure. (see also shizzle. Sho is just dialectal for sure.) I’m ready! Fo shizzle! See also: FO, shizzlefo sho verbSee fo shizzleSee also: FO, shoFo shizzle, ma nizzle! phr. For sure, my nigga! (Streets.) Am I here? Fo shizzle, ma nizzle. See also: FO, mafo-fo n. a .44-caliber pistol. (see also deuce-deuce.) He traded up his deuce-deuce for a fo-fo. fo
Fo Dario . born 1926, Italian playwright and actor. His plays include The Accidental Death of an Anarchist (1970), Trumpets and Raspberries (1984), and The Tricks of the Trade (1991): Nobel prize for literature 1997 fo (networking)The country code for the Faroe Islands.FO(Formatted Objects) See XSL.FO
FOThe two-character ISO 3166 country code for FAROE ISLANDS.FO1. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the Faroe Islands. This is the code used in international transactions to and from Faroese bank accounts.
2. ISO 3166-2 geocode for the Faroe Islands. This is used as an international standard for shipping to the Faroe Islands.FO
Acronym | Definition |
FO➣Fiber-Optic(s) | FO➣Field Office | FO➣Front Office | FO➣Formatting Object (XSL) | FO➣Foreign Office | FO➣Face-Off (hockey) | FO➣Faroe Islands | FO➣First Order | FO➣Follow On | FO➣Foramen Ovale (neurology) | FO➣Fallout (computer game) | FO➣Foreign Object | FO➣Formula One | FO➣Fuel Oil | FO➣Force Ouvrière (Workers Force) | FO➣Force Ouvrière (French Labor Union) | FO➣Forli (postcode, Italy) | FO➣Freak Out | FO➣Far Out | FO➣First Officer | FO➣Formosa (Argentina province, airline code) | FO➣Fly-Over | FO➣Factory Outlet (UK shopping channel) | FO➣Fly Out (Baseball) | FO➣Field Operations | FO➣Finance Officer | FO➣Fluid Ounce (unit of measurement) | FO➣Fantasy Online (video game) | FO➣Flight Operations | FO➣Furnace Oil | FO➣Forward Observer | FO➣Flying Object | FO➣Foldout | FO➣Foul Out (baseball) | FO➣Full Out (typography) | FO➣Foreign Objects (band) | FO➣Finished Object (crafts) | FO➣Fitting Out | FO➣Furka Oberalp (railway in the Alps) | FO➣Flip Off | FO➣Force Operations | FO➣Foreign Service Officer | FO➣Field Order | FO➣Fail Operational | FO➣Flag Officer (Royal Navy) | FO➣Flying Officer (Royal Air Force & commonwealth countries) | FO➣Flight Officer | FO➣Fairly Oddparents (cartoon) | FO➣Firm Offer | FO➣Fiscal Officer | FO➣Firm Order | FO➣Forsvarets Overkommando (Norwegian) | FO➣Fail Open | FO➣Flake Off (polite form) | FO➣Flight Order (US Navy) | FO➣Flash Override | FO➣Fourth Official (soccer) | FO➣Facilities Office | FO➣Fire Order | FO➣Friendship Over | FO➣Forced Outage (power industry) | FO➣Forlì, Emilia (Italian province) | FO➣Frequent Observation | FO➣Farmowners (multiple line insurance policy covering farmowner's property and liability coverage) | FO➣First Orbit | FO➣First Orchestra (Plano, TX) | FO➣Frosted Orange (drink) | FO➣Focus Offset | FO➣Flow Orifice | FO➣Full Organ | FO➣Federation Object | FO➣Foreign Operations Administration | FO➣Flight Object | FO➣Fun Orb (game website) | FO➣Fully Orthogonal | FO➣Free Overside | FO➣Fire & Observe | FO➣Functional Orthosis | FO➣Form Stroke (swimming) | FO➣Finsbury Orthopaedics Ltd (UK) |
Synonyms for FOnoun an officer holding the rank of major or lieutenant colonel or colonelSynonyms- field officer
- field-grade officer
Related Words- armed forces
- armed services
- military
- military machine
- war machine
- commissioned military officer