释义 |
e·soph·a·gus also oe·soph·a·gus (ĭ-sŏf′ə-gəs)n. pl. e·soph·a·gi (-jī′, -gī′) also oe·soph·a·gi The muscular tube by which food passes from the pharynx to the stomach; the gullet. [Middle English isophagus, from Medieval Latin ēsophagus, from Greek oisophagos, arbitrary medical coinage perhaps from ois- : future tense stem of pherein, to carry; see oit- in Indo-European roots + -phagos, food (unattested sense) (from phagein, to eat; see bhag- in Indo-European roots).] e·soph′a·ge′al (-jē′əl) adj.e•soph•a•ge•al (ɪˌsɒf əˈdʒi əl, ˌi səˈfædʒ i əl) adj. pertaining to the esophagus. [1800–10] ThesaurusAdj. | 1. | esophageal - relating to the esophagus | TranslationsEncyclopediaSeeesophagusesophageal
esophageal [ĕ-sof″ah-je´al] of or pertaining to the esophagus.e·soph·a·ge·al (ĕ-sof'ă-jē'ăl, ē'-sŏ-faj'ē-ăl), Although this word is correctly pronounced esopha'geal, the pronunciation esophage'al is almost universally heard in the U.S.Relating to the esophagus.e·soph·a·ge·al (ĕ-sof'ă-jē'ăl) Relating to the esophagus. Synonym(s): oesophageal. esophagus (e-sof'a-gus) (-gi?, -ji?) plural.esophagi [Gr. oisophagos] ESOPHAGUS: (as seen through an endoscope)The muscular tube, about 10 to 12 in (25 to 30 cm) long, that carries swallowed foods and liquids from the pharynx to the stomach. In the upper third of the esophagus, the muscle is striated; in the middle third, striated and smooth; and in the lower third, entirely smooth. Peristalsis is regulated by the autonomic nervous system. At the junction with the stomach is the lower esophageal sphincter, which relaxes to permit passage of food, then contracts to prevent backup of stomach contents. esophageal (e-sof?a-je'al), adjective See: illustrationBarrett esophagus See: Barrett esophagusblack esophagusNecrotizing esophagitis. FOREIGN BODY IN ESOPHAGUS: Meat impaction in the lower esophageal sphincterforeign bodies in the esophagusItems trapped in the esophagus (typically fishbones, coins, or large unchewed pieces of food). Parenteral glucagon may help the material pass through the esophageal sphincter to the stomach, but endoscopic retrieval of the material is usually necessary. See: illustratione·soph·a·ge·al (ĕ-sof'ă-jē'ăl) Although this word is more correctly pronounced esopha'geal, the pronunciation esophage'al is almost universally heard in the U.S.Relating to the esophagus. |