AOTMAcronym Of the Minute (Acronym Finder)
AOTMApplication of the Month (various organizations)
AOTMAs of This Moment
AOTMArtist of the Month
AOTMAccessory of the Month
AOTMAlbum of the Month
AOTMAmerica on the Move (National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution)
AOTMAuthor of the Month
AOTMAustralia on the Map
AOTMAssociation of Occupational Therapists of Manitoba (Canada)
AOTMAspect of the Monkey (gaming, World of Warcraft)
AOTMArt of the Mix (website)
AOTMAssault On The Media (Opie and Anthony show)
AOTMArt of the Matter (Performance Foundation)
AOTMArt on the Map (Lincolnshire Open Studios, UK)
AOTMAgriculture of the Middle
AOTMActivities, Outcomes, Targets and Milestones
AOTMAcronym Of The Moment (USAF)
AOTMAsian Oils Trading and Marketing
AOTMAttack On The Media (Opie and Anthony show)
AOTMAhmed Oriental Textile Mills Ltd (Pakistan)