Acronym | Definition |
AOTD➣Art of the Day |
AOTD➣Album of the Day |
AOTD➣Ass of the Day |
AOTD➣Antrasis Operatyviniu Tarnybu Departamentas (Lithuanian: Second Investigation Department) |
AOTD➣Application of the Day |
AOTD➣Aces of the Deep (gaming clan) |
AOTD➣Art of the Drink (Instructional bartending videos) |
AOTD➣Asylum of the Daleks (Doctor Who episode) |
AOTD➣Amusing Ourselves to Death (Postman book) |
AOTD➣Apocolypse of the Damned (fan fiction) |
AOTD➣Art of Technology Digest |
AOTD➣Active Optical Target Detector |
AOTD➣Avatar of the Day |
AOTD➣Amateur Owner to Drive (equestrian) |
AOTD➣Answer of the day |
AOTD➣Acronym Of The Day |
AOTD➣Assistant Operational Test Director |