Acronym | Definition |
AOTC➣Attack of the Clones (Star Wars Episode Two) |
AOTC➣American Opportunity Tax Credit (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) |
AOTC➣Ahead of the Curve |
AOTC➣Autodesk Official Training Courseware |
AOTC➣Ark of the Covenant (gaming) |
AOTC➣Army of the Cumberland (American Civil War) |
AOTC➣Australian Overseas Telecommunications Corporation |
AOTC➣Authorities of the Commonwealth (Australia) |
AOTC➣Aspect of the Cheetah (gaming, World of Warcraft) |
AOTC➣Associated Offices Technical Committee (UK) |
AOTC➣Advanced Optical Technologies Corporation (Canada) |
AOTC➣Attack of the Cones |
AOTC➣Ahead of Time Crew (band) |
AOTC➣Avinash Ortho & Trauma Centre (Dhanbad, India) |
AOTC➣Art of the Covenant (music group) |