

单词 aos


all options stink

There is no good option in this particular situation. I don't know what we're going to do here—all options stink.See also: all, option, stink


An abbreviation for "all options stink," meaning that there is no good option in this particular situation. I don't know what we're going to do here since AOS.

All options stink

and AOS phr. & comp. abb. All options stink.; There is no good solution. I don’t know what to do. All options stink. Since AOS, I’ll do nothing at all. See also: all, option, stink


verbSee All options stink



(1)/aws/ (East Coast), /ay-os/ (West Coast) APDP-10 instruction that took any memory location and added 1to it. AOS meant "Add One and do not Skip". Why, you mayask, does the "S" stand for "do not Skip" rather than for"Skip"? Ah, here was a beloved piece of PDP-10 folklore.There were eight such instructions: AOSE added 1 and thenskipped the next instruction if the result was Equal to zero;AOSG added 1 and then skipped if the result was Greater than0; AOSN added 1 and then skipped if the result was Not 0; AOSAadded 1 and then skipped Always; and so on. Just plain AOSdidn't say when to skip, so it never skipped.

For similar reasons, AOJ meant "Add One and do not Jump".Even more bizarre, SKIP meant "do not SKIP"! If you wanted toskip the next instruction, you had to say "SKIPA". Likewise,JUMP meant "do not JUMP"; the unconditional form was JUMPA.However, hackers never did this. By some quirk of the 10'sdesign, the JRST (Jump and ReSTore flag with no flagspecified) was actually faster and so was invariably used.Such were the perverse mysteries of assembler programming.


(2)/A-O-S/ or /A-os/ A Multics-derived operating systemsupported at one time by Data General.

A spoof of the standard AOS system administrator's manual("How to Load and Generate your AOS System") was created,issued a part number, and circulated as photocopy folklore; itwas called "How to Goad and Levitate your CHAOS System".


(3)Algebraic Operating System, in reference to thosecalculators which use infix operators instead of postfix notation.


(Alternative Operator Services) Operator services provided by a third-party organization. See operator services.



See: Automated Order System


AOSAmerican Orchid Society
AOSAgents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV series)
AOSAce of Spades (gaming)
AOSAdjustment of Status
AOSArea of Separation (US DoD)
AOSArt of Skateboarding (collecting)
AOSAlpha Olefin Sulfonate
AOSActa Ophthalmologica Scandinavica (Wiley publication)
AOSAlabama Ornithological Society (est. 1952)
AOSAffidavit of Service (legal document)
AOSArea of Study
AOSAll Optical Switch
AOSAdd-on Software
AOSApple Online Store
AOSAir Oil Separate
AOSAccess Optimization Service
AOSAdvanced Operating System
AOSAgent Oriented Software (various organizations)
AOSAssociate of Occupational Studies
AOSA.O. Smith Corp. (Milwaukee, WI)
AOSAdditional Optional Services (various organizations)
AOSAerobics Oz Style (TV series; Australia)
AOSAdministrative and Operational Support (various organizations)
AOSAcquisition Of Signal
AOSActa Oceanologica Sinica (Chinese Society of Oceanography)
AOSAmerican Oriental Society
AOSApparent Opening Size (US standard sieve)
AOSAustin Osman Spare (artist)
AOSAria of Sorrow (game)
AOSAdministrative Office Systems (various organizations)
AOSAtmosphere Ocean System
AOSAttack on Sight (gaming)
AOSAdministrative and Operational Services (various organizations)
AOSArea Of Specialization
AOSApraxia of Speech
AOSApplication Object Server
AOSArmed Offenders Squad (New Zealand)
AOSAdd Or Subtract
AOSAmerican Orthodontic Society
AOSAlways On Server (Internet)
AOSArrest on Sight (security)
AOSAustralian Optical Society
AOSAustrian Outdoor Sports (fly fishing; Germany)
AOSAmerican Otological Society
AOSAutomated Office Systems (Bellcore)
AOSAlcatel Operating System
AOSAlgebraic Operating System
AOSAdams-Oliver Syndrome
AOSAthabasca Oil Sands (crude oil deposits; Alberta, Canada)
AOSAxis of Symmetry
AOSArea of Service (Sprint)
AOSArrived on Scene
AOSAppliance Operating System (minimal operating system)
AOSAlternate Operator Service
AOSAcademic Orthopaedic Society
AOSAeon of Strife (gaming)
AOSArmy Organization Server (US Army)
AOSAssociates of Science (degree)
AOSAgreement Of Sale
AOSAge d'Or Services (French: Golden Age Services)
AOSAcousto-Optic Spectrometer
AOSAverage Order Size
AOSAll Options Stink
AOSAir Operations Squadron
AOSAnnual Operating Statement (various organizations)
AOSAdd One and do not Skip
AOSAviation Operation Specialist (US DoD)
AOSAdvanced Orbiting System
AOSAutomated Ordering System
AOSActualités Odonto-Stomatologiques (French medical journal)
AOSAntibiotic Order Sheet (medications)
AOSArquitectura Orientada a Servicios (Spanish: service-oriented architecture)
AOSAerosol Observing System
AOSAdd-On Stabilization
AOSAny Other Score
AOSAssociate Opinion Survey
AOSAdd On Sales
AOSArrival on Site
AOSArmy of Sin (game clan)
AOSAvionics Operating System
AOSAirborne Optical System
AOSAges of Shadows (game)
AOSAirport Operations Specialist
AOSAge Old Saying
AOSAutomated Operating System
AOSAirborne Optical Sensor
AOSArithmetic Operating System
AOSAirlift Operations School
AOSAir Observer's School
AOSAlternate Option Selection
AOSAgent Online Services (extranet)
AOSArchaic of Styles (band)
AOSAtlantic Oceanographic Synopsis
AOSFAA Operational Support Service
AOSAmerican Ostomy Supply (Waukesha, WI)
AOSAutomated Observation System (US DoD)
AOSAcronym Overload Syndrome :-)
AOSApplication Outsourcing Service
AOSAzimuth Orientation System
AOSAurora Optical Switch (Tellium)
AOSAccess Optimization Service (UUNET)
AOSAdaptive Order Statistic
AOSAirborne Optical Surveillance
AOSAircraft on Station
AOSAutomatic/Automatically Out of Service (Tandem & DSC)
AOSATl Optical Summit (Sprint)
AOSSupport Tankers
AOSAdvanced Online Search
AOSAstronomiczne Obserwatorium Scerokosciowe (Borowcu, Poland Time Standard)
AOSAutomated Observing Station
AOSAirport Operation System (airport management software)
AOSApplication Ordering System (student financial aid)
AOSAviators Oxygen System
AOSAlternate Observing Site
AOSAircrew Oxygen System
AOSActivism Orientation Scale (Corning and Myers, 2002)




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