clock rate

clock rate

[′kläk ‚rāt] (electronics) clock frequency

Clock Rate


the change in clock correction per unit time. Different types of clock rates, such as diurnal and hourly, are distinguished, depending on the unit of time selected. With a negative clock rate, the clock runs fast; with a positive rate, it falls progressively behind true time. The magnitude of the clock rate depends on the adjustment of the clock but is not a reflection of the clock’s quality. It is affected by various factors related to the design of the clock mechanism and to external conditions of its operation. Therefore, whenever the precise time is required, as for example in astronomy, several clocks are used, and their rates are carefully studied by daily comparisons of their readings.

clock rate

(processor, benchmark)The fundamental rate in cycles persecond at which a computer performs its most basic operationssuch as adding two numbers or transfering a value from oneregister to another.

The clock rate of a computer is normally determined by thefrequency of a crystal. The original IBM PC, circa 1981,had a clock rate of 4.77 MHz (almost five millioncycles/second). As of 1995, Intel's Pentium chip runs at100 MHz (100 million cycles/second). The clock rate of acomputer is only useful for providing comparisons betweencomputer chips in the same processor family. An IBM PCwith an Intel 486 CPU running at 50 MHz will be abouttwice as fast as one with the same CPU, memory and displayrunning at 25 MHz. However, there are many other factors toconsider when comparing different computers. Clock rateshould not be used when comparing different computers ordifferent processor families. Rather, some benchmark shouldbe used. Clock rate can be very misleading, since the amountof work different computer chips can do in one cycle varies.For example, RISC CPUs tend to have simpler instructionsthan CISC CPUs (but higher clock rates) and pipelinedprocessors execute more than one instruction per cycle.