

单词 dullness



D0419000 (dŭl)adj. dull·er, dull·est 1. a. Arousing little interest; lacking liveliness; boring: a dull movie.b. Not brisk or rapid; sluggish: Business has been dull.2. Not having a sharp edge or point; blunt: a dull knife.3. a. Not intensely or keenly felt: a dull ache.b. Not bright, vivid, or shiny: a dull brown; a glaze with a dull finish.c. Cloudy or overcast: a dull sky.d. Not clear or resonant: a dull thud.4. Intellectually weak or obtuse; stupid.5. Lacking responsiveness or alertness; insensitive: half-asleep and dull to the noises in the next room.6. Dispirited; depressed: a dull mood.tr. & intr.v. dulled, dull·ing, dulls To make or become dull.
[Middle English dul; akin to Old English dol.]
dull′ish adj.dull′ness, dul′ness n.dul′ly adv.Synonyms: dull, colorless, drab1, humdrum, lackluster, pedestrian, stodgy, uninspired
These adjectives mean lacking in liveliness, charm, or surprise: a dull, uninteresting performance; a colorless and unimaginative person; a drab and boring job; a humdrum conversation; a lackluster life; a pedestrian movie plot; a stodgy dinner party; an uninspired lecture.Antonym: lively




  1. About as exciting as broccoli —Fred Barnes, “McLaughlin Group” television broadcast, December 29, 1986
  2. About as exciting as a ride on a stone camel —Anon
  3. As much personality as a paper cup —Raymond Chandler about the city of Los Angeles

    In his essay The Country Behind the Hill, critic Clive James explains that this was intended as a positive simile, reflecting Chandler’s fascination with the city’s seediness.

  4. Bland as a Bloody Mary without tabasco —Anon
  5. Bland as a martini without a twist of lemon —Anon
  6. Bland as hominy grits —Frederick Exley
  7. Blunt as ignorance —Samuel Rowley
  8. (The place was) dead as a ghost-town cemetery —Douglas Adams

    In his novel, The Fourth Widow, Adams extends the simile as follows: “And nowhere near as pretty.”

  9. (The place seemed to be as … ) dead as a Pharaoh —Raymond Chandler
  10. Dreary as an empty house —Gustave Flaubert
  11. Dreary as an old dishrag —Anon, capsule movie review in New York Times television listings
  12. Dreary as a Russian love story —William Diehl
  13. Dry as the Congressional Record —James J. Montague
  14. (Lies … ) dull and senseless as a stone —Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  15. Dull as a jail cell —Ira Wood
  16. (A day as) dull as a lead nickel —John Wainwright
  17. (A brown macrame wall hanging) dull as dirt —Patricia Henley
  18. Dull as pig shit —Ethel Merman, about her friend Benay Venuta’s Jewish society friends
  19. Dull as brushing your teeth —Anon
  20. Dull as ditch-water —Charles Dickens

    An everyday expression modernized to “Dull as dishwater.”

  21. (When he is gone, the world will be) dull as Mars —Lorrie Moore
  22. (The road north is … ) dull like a camel plodding through the desert —Anon
  23. Dull … like a cookbook written by someone who doesn’t like food —Pat Conroy
  24. An eternal sameness, like a blank wall —Robert Silverberg
  25. Flat and insipid as a pancake —Anatole France

    Anatole France loved proverbs, and so this extension of familiar wisdom.

  26. [About an experience someone is relating] flat as the telling at breakfast of an ecstatic dream —Stella Benson
  27. Had the personality of a dried-out fart —Anon
  28. Interesting as boiled potatoes —Anon
  29. Interesting as staring at a blank wall —Anon
  30. Interesting as watching paint dry —Dee Weber
  31. Life as humdrum as that of a country curate —W. Somerset Maugham
  32. Life … devoid of incident as the longest of Trollope’s novels —O. Henry
  33. Life here is as calm as a gold-fish tank with one half-animate inmate: me —Julia O’Faolain
  34. Life is as tedious as a twice-told tale —William Shakespeare
  35. Looked dreary, like a theater before anybody comes —Mark Twain
  36. Looked like she had the IQ of a well-mannered houseplant —A. E. Maxwell
  37. Mind … slept and snored like a full dog by the fire —George Garrett
  38. Monotonous as a sailor’s chantey —Raymond Chandler
  39. Monotonous like water dripping on sandstone —John MacDonald
  40. My life is as flat as the table I write on —Gustave Flaubert
  41. A new idea made its way into her mind with much difficulty, as if it had to traverse the meshes of a choked sieve —Stefan Zweig
  42. Numb as a potato —Daniel Asa Rose
  43. Obtuse as an ocelot —Gregory McDonald
  44. Personality like a cup of yogurt —Pat Conroy
  45. Persons without minds are like weeds that delight in good earth; they want to be amused by others, all the more because they are dull within —Honoré de Balzac
  46. Seemed dull … as simple as a three-headed treasure-guarding troll —Anon
  47. (The people who surrounded him) seemed like white bread, inexcusably bland —Phillip Lopate
  48. Shadowy and uninteresting as an event in an outdated and long-unread novel —Gillian Tindall

    The frame of reference for the comparison is a brief, long-ago marriage.

  49. There are some things so dull they hypnotize like the pendulum of a clock —Karl Shapiro
  50. Tiresome as virtue —Edith Wharton
  51. Too dull —no stir, no storm, no life about it … like being part dead and part alive, both at the same time —Mark Twain

    The condition thus described in Twain’s story, Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven, is that of running a grocery store.

  52. Unconscious as a face of stone —H. W. Hudson
  53. (His friends were as) uninteresting as the dead —Rumer Godden
  54. Void of life as a block of ice —Patricia Henley
Noun1.dullness - the quality of being slow to understandobtusenessstupidity - a poor ability to understand or to profit from experienceoscitance, oscitancy - drowsiness and dullness manifested by yawning
2.dullness - the quality of lacking interestingness; "the stories were of a dullness to bring a buffalo to its knees"uninterestingness - inability to capture or hold one's interestboringness, dreariness, insipidity, insipidness - extreme dullness; lacking spirit or interesttediousness, tiresomeness, tedium - dullness owing to length or slownessjejunity, tameness, vapidity, vapidness, jejuneness - the quality of being vapid and unsophisticated
3.dullness - a lack of visual brightness; "the brightness of the orange sky was reflected in the dullness of the orange sea"visual property - an attribute of visionsubduedness, dimness - the property of lights or sounds that lack brilliance or are reduced in intensitylusterlessness, lustrelessness, matt, matte, flatness, mat - the property of having little or no contrast; lacking highlights or glossbrightness - the location of a visual perception along a continuum from black to white
4.dullness - lack of sensibility; "there was a dullness in his heart"; "without him the dullness of her life crept into her work no matter how she tried to compartmentalize it."callousness, unfeelingness, callosity, insensibility, hardness - devoid of passion or feeling; hardheartedness
5.dullness - without sharpness or clearness of edge or point; "the dullness of the pencil made his writing illegible"bluntnessobtuseness - the quality of lacking a sharp edge or pointshape, configuration, conformation, contour, form - any spatial attributes (especially as defined by outline); "he could barely make out their shapes"asperity, sharpness - harshness of mannerkeenness, sharpness - thinness of edge or fineness of point


noun1. tediousness, monotony, banality, flatness, dreariness, vapidity, insipidity the dullness of their routine life
tediousness interest, colour, liveliness
2. stupidity, thickness, slowness, dimness, obtuseness, doziness (Brit. informal), dim-wittedness, dopiness (slang) his dullness of mind
stupidity intelligence, brightness, sharpness, cleverness, quickness, smartness
3. drabness, greyness, dimness, gloominess, dinginess, colourlessness the dullness of an old painting
drabness brilliance, brightness, shine, sparkle, incandescence, effulgence


also dulness
noun1. A deficiency in mental and physical alertness and activity:hebetude, languidness, languor, lassitude, leadenness, lethargy, listlessness, sluggishness, stupor, torpidity, torpor.2. A lack of excitement, liveliness, or interest:asepticism, blandness, colorlessness, drabness, dreariness, dryness, flatness, flavorlessness, insipidity, insipidness, jejuneness, lifelessness, sterileness, sterility, stodginess, vapidity, vapidness, weariness.


(dal) adjective1. slow to learn or to understand. The clever children help the dull ones. 遲鈍的 迟钝的2. not bright or clear. a dull day. 陰沉沉的 阴沉的,朦胧的 3. not exciting or interesting. a very dull book. 陰沉沉的 单调沉闷的ˈdully adverb 遲鈍地,陰沉沉地,枯燥乏味地 迟钝地,单调地,乏味地 ˈdullness noun 遲鈍,陰沉沉,枯燥乏味 迟钝,单调,乏味



 [dul´nes] a quality of sound elicited by percussion, being short and high-pitched with little resonance.


, dulness (dŭl'nes), The character of the sound obtained by percussing over a solid part incapable of resonating; usually applied to an area containing less air than those that can resonate.


(dŭl'nĕs) The character of the sound obtained by percussing over a solid part incapable of resonating; usually applied to an area containing less air than those that can resonate.

Patient discussion about dullness

Q. My mom`s skin looks dull after her radiation therapy.I want to know is there anything serious to consider? My mom`s skin looks dull after her radiation therapy. We thought that it was due to her stress and surgery and will vanish once the treatment is over. But it’s almost a fortnight that her therapy is over and the dryness of the skin still remains. I want to know is this normal or is there anything serious to consider?A. It is a common sign with the patients who underwent radiation therapy. But do care if she is having any burning sensation and itching. Meet the doctor without any delay if your mom shows any of the above symptoms. If it is a visible dryness only then she must keep herself hydrated by having a lot of water. You can use skin moisturizers also. Limit the use of deodorants and use mild soaps.

Q. Uncomfortable in my left-lower abdomen. But it is not acute or dull pain at all. I'm starting to feel uncomfortable in my lower-left abdomen. I roughly guess it started summer in 2008. Certainly, it's not acute or even dull pain at all. But it makes me very uncomfortable when I sit on the chair. I can feel it by sitting on the chair. Such uncomfortableness seems to reside in somewhere between my left leg and abdomen. It is under my navel, and to the left, extending to the my left flank. Once again, I can sense it by touching something developing (With my fingers, I gently pressed that area and, I realized that there's a difference between pressing on the lower-left abdomen and the lower-right abdomen.) But it is not something swollen, and not a hard thing. I've never had the caecum removed. I'm 40 years old, East asian. I quitted smoking in early 90's. In Octocber, 2008 I found my blood pressure pretty good (I can't remember it, though).My life is quite sedentary (I'm a graduate student.) I guess I spend most of my daily time on the chair.Thanks for any opinion in advance.A. hi '''i do have the same thing all what i do is keep it higher than my hart and after a lettel time it well come back to normal and i advice you to go see a d'r when you have the rhit time for it.......and happy holly day and happy 2009..lolo21

Q. i am dhaval .iam 22 male.my hair are rough and dry.and become dull suddenly.is 500 ml.cow milk good for it? dhjaval trivedi A. What you describe may point to several possible conditions, including thyroid diseases, vitamin deficiencies or simply the beginning of male-pattern hair loss (androgenetic alopecia). However, it's not really possible to diagnose your condition through the net, so I would suggest seeing a doctor, since these conditions (even male-pattern hair loss) may be treated efficiently.
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  • noun

Synonyms for dullness

noun tediousness


  • tediousness
  • monotony
  • banality
  • flatness
  • dreariness
  • vapidity
  • insipidity


  • interest
  • colour
  • liveliness

noun stupidity


  • stupidity
  • thickness
  • slowness
  • dimness
  • obtuseness
  • doziness
  • dim-wittedness
  • dopiness


  • intelligence
  • brightness
  • sharpness
  • cleverness
  • quickness
  • smartness

noun drabness


  • drabness
  • greyness
  • dimness
  • gloominess
  • dinginess
  • colourlessness


  • brilliance
  • brightness
  • shine
  • sparkle
  • incandescence
  • effulgence

Synonyms for dullness

noun a deficiency in mental and physical alertness and activity


  • hebetude
  • languidness
  • languor
  • lassitude
  • leadenness
  • lethargy
  • listlessness
  • sluggishness
  • stupor
  • torpidity
  • torpor

noun a lack of excitement, liveliness, or interest


  • asepticism
  • blandness
  • colorlessness
  • drabness
  • dreariness
  • dryness
  • flatness
  • flavorlessness
  • insipidity
  • insipidness
  • jejuneness
  • lifelessness
  • sterileness
  • sterility
  • stodginess
  • vapidity
  • vapidness
  • weariness

Synonyms for dullness

noun the quality of being slow to understand


  • obtuseness

Related Words

  • stupidity
  • oscitance
  • oscitancy

noun the quality of lacking interestingness

Related Words

  • uninterestingness
  • boringness
  • dreariness
  • insipidity
  • insipidness
  • tediousness
  • tiresomeness
  • tedium
  • jejunity
  • tameness
  • vapidity
  • vapidness
  • jejuneness

noun a lack of visual brightness

Related Words

  • visual property
  • subduedness
  • dimness
  • lusterlessness
  • lustrelessness
  • matt
  • matte
  • flatness
  • mat


  • brightness

noun lack of sensibility

Related Words

  • callousness
  • unfeelingness
  • callosity
  • insensibility
  • hardness

noun without sharpness or clearness of edge or point


  • bluntness

Related Words

  • obtuseness
  • shape
  • configuration
  • conformation
  • contour
  • form


  • asperity
  • sharpness
  • keenness




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