Dulevo China Factory
Dulevo China Factory
(full name, the Newspaper Pravda Dulevo China Factory), one of the largest enterprises in the USSR for the production of porcelain for everyday use and of articles of high artistic value.
The factory was founded by T. Ia. Kuznetsov in 1832 in the Dulevo wasteland (since 1937, the town of Likino-Dulevo of Moscow Oblast). From 1889 to 1917 the factory belonged to the M. S. Kuznetsov Company. The articles manufactured by the factory at that period are characterized by unique technical workmanship. In the Soviet period the Dulevo China Factory was reconstructed, a dye factory was founded, and an art laboratory was added (1932); the shops were mechanized. Production was tripled over the 1913 level. Since the early 1930’s, the creative artistic level of production has been improved (sets with paintings by P. V. Leonov; new shapes of vessels designed by O. M. Mukhiguli, A. V. Strochilin, and others; and decorative sculptural compositions and figurines by A. G. Sotnikov, P. M. Kozhin, O. M. Bogdanova, and others). Articles manufactured at the factory were awarded grand gold medals at the world’s fairs in Paris (1937) and Brussels (1958).