释义 |
false conjugate di·ag·o·nal con·ju·gate [TA] the anteroposterior dimension of the inlet that measures the clinical distance from the promontory of the sacrum to the inferior margin of the pubic symphysis, measured manually per vagina or by ultrasonography. It is used to extrapolate the true conjugate. Synonym(s): conjugata diagonalis [TA], diagonal conjugate diameter, false conjugate (1) false conjugate (1) Diagonal conjugate, see there. (2) Effective conjugate, see there.ef·fec·tive con·ju·gate (e-fek'tive kon'jŭ-găt) The internal conjugate measured from the nearest lumbar vertebra to the symphysis, in spondylolisthesis. Synonym(s): false conjugate (2) .
di·ag·o·nal con·ju·gate (dī-ag'ŏ-năl kon'jŭ-găt) [TA] The anteroposterior dimension of the inlet; the clinical distance from the promontory of the sacrum to the lower margin of the symphysis pubis. Synonym(s): false conjugate (1) . |