Acronym | Definition |
DOI➣Division of Interest |
DOI➣Digital Object Identifier |
DOI➣Department of the Interior (US) |
DOI➣Direction of Investment |
DOI➣Department Of Insurance |
DOI➣Division of Insurance |
DOI➣Division of Instruction (various locations) |
DOI➣Date of Incorporation |
DOI➣Division of Information (Australian National University) |
DOI➣Depth of Inheritance (metric) |
DOI➣Domain Of Interpretation |
DOI➣Declaration of Independence |
DOI➣Definition of Insanity |
DOI➣Directorate of Instruction |
DOI➣Distinctness of Image |
DOI➣Double Opt In (email) |
DOI➣Discharge of Indebtedness |
DOI➣Data Overrun Interrupt |
DOI➣Department of Infrastructure (Australia) |
DOI➣Days of Inventory |
DOI➣Date of Injury |
DOI➣Declaration of Intent (legal) |
DOI➣Died Of Injuries |
DOI➣Date of Issuance |
DOI➣Degree of Interference |
DOI➣Digital Opportunity Initiative |
DOI➣2,5-Dimethoxy-4-Iodoamphetamine (hallucinogenic drug) |
DOI➣Date of Introduction |
DOI➣Department of Intelligence |
DOI➣Diagramme Objet Interaction (French: Object Interaction Diagram) |
DOI➣Date of Invoice |
DOI➣Digital Orthorectified Imagery |
DOI➣Document-Oriented Interface (computing) |
DOI➣Descent Orbit Insertion |
DOI➣Daughters of Iraq (female security program; est. 2008) |
DOI➣Date of Image |
DOI➣Department of Institutions (Colorado) |
DOI➣Dry Operating Index |
DOI➣Death On Impact |
DOI➣Detachment Operating Instruction |
DOI➣Daily Operating Instruction |
DOI➣Diffusion of Innovations |
DOI➣DSSCS (Defense Special Security Communications System) Operating Instructions (US DoD) |
DOI➣Defense Operating Instruction(s) |
DOI➣Day of Install |
DOI➣Divisional Operating Income |
DOI➣Description, Operation & Installation |
DOI➣Department of Investigation |
DOI➣Drawing Office Instructions (post design modification) |
DOI➣Director of Intelligence |
DOI➣Duration of Immunity (veterinary microbiology) |
DOI➣Depth of Invasion |