Dohle bodies

Döh·le bod·ies

(der'lĕh), discrete round or oval bodies ranging in diameter from just visible to 2 mcm, which stain sky blue to gray blue with Romanowsky stains, found in neutrophils of patients with infections, burns, trauma, pregnancy, or cancer. Synonym(s): Döhle inclusions, leukocyte inclusions

Döhle bodies

(dē′lē) [Paul Döhle, Ger. pathologist, 1855–1928] A leukocyte inclusion in the periphery of a neutrophil. It is composed of liquefied endoplasmic reticulum and is frequently accompanied by toxic granulations. Döhle bodies are present in association with burns, severe or systemic infections, exposure to cytotoxic agents, uncomplicated pregnancy, trauma, and neoplastic diseases.


(Doehle), Karl G.P., German histologist and pathologist, 1855-1928. Döhle bodies - found in neutrophils of patients with infections, burns, trauma, pregnancy, or cancer. Synonym(s): Döhle inclusions; leukocyte inclusionsDöhle inclusions - Synonym(s): Döhle bodiesDöhle-Heller aortitis - a common manifestation of tertiary syphilis, involving the thoracic aorta, where destruction of elastic tissue in the media results in dilation and aneurysm formation. Synonym(s): syphilitic aortitis