Conscience Point National Wildlife Refuge
Conscience Point National Wildlife Refuge
PO Box 21
Shirley, NY 11967
Established: 1971.
Location:On Long Island's south fork, 1 mile north of North Sea.
Special Features:Refuge includes a prime example of maritime grassland, a native grassland composed of little bluestem grass, switch grass, poverty grass, and hairgrass. Prickly pear cactus is also a conspicuous component of the maritime grassland.
Habitats: 60 acres of forests, grasslands, fresh and saltwater marshes.
Access: Closed to the public to protect nesting waterfowl.
Wild life: Red tailed hawk, American Kestral, osprey, great horned owl, gray squirrel, eastern cottontail, and red fox.
See other parks in New York.