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decision point
decision pointThe point in space and time where the commander or staff anticipates making a decision concerning a specific friendly course of action. A decision point is usually associated with a specific target area of interest, and is located in time and space to permit the commander sufficient lead time to engage the adversary in the target area of interest. Decision points may also be associated with the friendly force and the status of ongoing operations. See also course of actions; decision support template; target area of interest.decision point
decision pointThe latest point at which, as a result of power-unit failure, the pilot is assumed to decide to discontinue a takeoff. The decision point is for the determination of takeoff performance. The difference between the power unit failure point and the decision point is the delay that occurs before a power-unit failure can be detected (i.e., the pilots' reaction time to identify failure of one of the power units).AcronymsSeedata pump |