Acronym | Definition |
CRW➣Card Reader Writer (computer hardware) |
CRW➣Colorado River Water |
CRW➣Campus Recreation and Wellness (various schools) |
CRW➣Conflict Resolution Workshop |
CRW➣Cedar Rapids Washington (Cedar Rapids, IA) |
CRW➣Cd Rewritable |
CRW➣Card Reader and Writer |
CRW➣Canon Raw |
CRW➣Charles River Wheelmen (cyclists club) |
CRW➣Contingency Response Wing (AMC) |
CRW➣Carlson Restaurants Worldwide (Carrollton, TX) |
CRW➣Combustible Renewables and Waste |
CRW➣Counter Revolutionary Warfare |
CRW➣Canopy Relative Work (skydiving) |
CRW➣Canon Raw Format (filename extension) |
CRW➣Clover Root Weevil (pest) |
CRW➣Canard Rotor Wing |
CRW➣Compassionate Resource Warehouse (Canada) |
CRW➣Corporate Report Wisconsin |
CRW➣Certified Resume Writer |
CRW➣Conseil Régional Wallon (French: Walloon Regional Council; Belgium) |
CRW➣Cercle Romand Winterthur (Swiss Romand culture; est. 1920) |
CRW➣Caspian Revenue Watch (Open Society Institute; New York, NY) |
CRW➣Charleston, WV, USA - Yeager Airport (Airport Code) |
CRW➣Classical Random Walk |
CRW➣Carrier Wave |
CRW➣Computer Rental World |
CRW➣Control Read/Write |
CRW➣Controls, Robotics, and Welding |
CRW➣College Radio Workshop (Santa Monica City College) |
CRW➣Customer Relations on the Web (First Tracks Software, LLC) |
CRW➣Child Rights Watch (Sudan) |
CRW➣Crystal Reports for Windows |
CRW➣Conceptual Recoilless Weapon |
CRW➣Cladding Removal Waste |
CRW➣Centralized Returns Warehouse |
CRW➣Circulating Raw Water |