CRWCard Reader Writer (computer hardware)
CRWColorado River Water
CRWCampus Recreation and Wellness (various schools)
CRWConflict Resolution Workshop
CRWCedar Rapids Washington (Cedar Rapids, IA)
CRWCd Rewritable
CRWCard Reader and Writer
CRWCanon Raw
CRWCharles River Wheelmen (cyclists club)
CRWContingency Response Wing (AMC)
CRWCarlson Restaurants Worldwide (Carrollton, TX)
CRWCombustible Renewables and Waste
CRWCounter Revolutionary Warfare
CRWCanopy Relative Work (skydiving)
CRWCanon Raw Format (filename extension)
CRWClover Root Weevil (pest)
CRWCanard Rotor Wing
CRWCompassionate Resource Warehouse (Canada)
CRWCorporate Report Wisconsin
CRWCertified Resume Writer
CRWConseil Régional Wallon (French: Walloon Regional Council; Belgium)
CRWCercle Romand Winterthur (Swiss Romand culture; est. 1920)
CRWCaspian Revenue Watch (Open Society Institute; New York, NY)
CRWCharleston, WV, USA - Yeager Airport (Airport Code)
CRWClassical Random Walk
CRWCarrier Wave
CRWComputer Rental World
CRWControl Read/Write
CRWControls, Robotics, and Welding
CRWCollege Radio Workshop (Santa Monica City College)
CRWCustomer Relations on the Web (First Tracks Software, LLC)
CRWChild Rights Watch (Sudan)
CRWCrystal Reports for Windows
CRWConceptual Recoilless Weapon
CRWCladding Removal Waste
CRWCentralized Returns Warehouse
CRWCirculating Raw Water