

单词 differentiation



D0216550 (dĭf′ə-rĕn′shē-ā′shən)n.1. a. The act or process of differentiating.b. The state of becoming differentiated.2. Mathematics The process of computing a derivative.3. Biology The process by which cells or tissues undergo a change toward a more specialized form or function, especially during embryonic development.


(ˌdɪfəˌrɛnʃɪˈeɪʃən) n1. the act, process, or result of differentiating2. (Mathematics) maths an operation used in calculus in which the derivative of a function or variable is determined; the inverse of integration. See integration63. (Geological Science) any process in which a mixture of materials separates out partially or completely into its constituent parts, as in the cooling and solidification of a magma into two or more different rock types or in the gradual separation of an originally homogeneous earth into crust, mantle, and core


(dĭf′ə-rĕn′shē-ā′shən)1. In calculus, the process of computing the derivative of a function. Compare integration.2. The process by which cells or developing body or plant parts change in order to serve a specific function.



funny-peculiar or funny ha-ha Most often heard interrogatively, this expression serves to distinguish between two meanings of the word funny—‘peculiar’ and ‘amusing or humorous.’ In 1938, I. Hay used this expression in a play entitled Housemaster. Since then, funny-peculiar or funny ha-ha has gained currency and is frequently heard today.

know a hawk from a handsaw See PERCEPTIVENESS.

know chalk from cheese See PERCEPTIVENESS.

make head or tail of To make sense of, to understand or decipher; also make heads or tails of. The head and the tail are opposite sides of a coin. Tossing a coin is a common method of deciding by chance; the outcome is determined by which side is up when the coin lands. It is easy to see how a coin landing in such a way that it cannot clearly be called either heads or tails gave rise to the frequently heard negative not make head nor tail of, implying confusion and senselessness.

Pray what is the design or plot? for I could make neither head nor tail on’t. (Henry Fielding, The Author’s Farce, 1729)

Noun1.differentiation - a discrimination between things as different and distinctdifferentiation - a discrimination between things as different and distinct; "it is necessary to make a distinction between love and infatuation"distinctiondiscrimination, secernment - the cognitive process whereby two or more stimuli are distinguishedcontradistinction - a distinction drawn on the basis of contrast; "sculpture in contradistinction to painting"dividing line, demarcation, contrast, line - a conceptual separation or distinction; "there is a narrow line between sanity and insanity"hairsplitting, word-splitting - making too fine distinctions of little importance; "they didn't take his hairsplitting seriously"
2.differentiation - the mathematical process of obtaining the derivative of a functionmathematical operation, mathematical process, operation - (mathematics) calculation by mathematical methods; "the problems at the end of the chapter demonstrated the mathematical processes involved in the derivation"; "they were learning the basic operations of arithmetic"
3.differentiation - (biology) the structural adaptation of some body part for a particular function; "cell differentiation in the developing embryo"specialisation, specializationbiological science, biology - the science that studies living organismsadaption, adaptation, adjustment - the process of adapting to something (such as environmental conditions)


noun distinction, difference, contrast, disparity, divergence, polarity, distinctness the differentiation between the two ranges


nounThe act or an instance of distinguishing:discrimination, distinction, separation.


(ˈdifrəns) noun1. what makes one thing unlike another. I can't see any difference between these two pictures; It doesn't make any difference to me whether you go or stay; There's not much difference between them. 差異 差异2. an act of differing, especially a disagreement. We had a difference of opinion; Have they settled their differences? (= Have they stopped arguing?). 歧見 分歧3. the amount by which one quantity or number is greater than another. If you buy it for me I'll give you $6 now and make up the difference later. 差額 差额ˈdifferent adjective (often with from) not the same. These gloves are not a pair – they're different; My ideas are different from his. 不同的 不同的ˌdiffeˈrentiate (-ˈrenʃieit) verb1. to see or be able to tell a difference (between). I cannot even differentiate a blackbird and a starling. 區別 区别2. (with between) to treat differently. She does not differentiate between her two children although one is adopted. 區分 区分ˈdiffeˌrentiˈation noun 差別,分化,微分法,差異化 差别,分化,微分法
different is followed by from (not than).



in biology, series of changes that occur in cells and tissues during development, resulting in their specialization. This, in turn, permits a greater variety of organisms. In plants, unspecialized cells, composing tissue called meristemmeristem
, a specialized section of plant tissue characterized by cell division and growth. Much of the mature plant's growth is provided by meristems. Apical meristems found at the tips of stems and roots increase the length of these sections.
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, differentiate into vascular tissue (xylem and phloem; see woodwood,
botanically, the xylem tissue that forms the bulk of the stem of a woody plant. Xylem conducts sap upward from the roots to the leaves, stores food in the form of complex carbohydrates, and provides support; it is made up of various types of cells specialized for each of
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), supportive tissue (sclerenchyma), and storage tissue (parenchyma). In animals, the tissues of the gastrula stage of the embryoembryo
, name for the developing young of an animal or plant. In its widest definition, the embryo is the young from the moment of fertilization until it has become structurally complete and able to survive as a separate organism.
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 differentiate into specialized tissues. While it is not fully understood what initiates this processs, it is known that each of the specialized cells in an organism carries a full set of genesgene,
the structural unit of inheritance in living organisms. A gene is, in essence, a segment of DNA that has a particular purpose, i.e., that codes for (contains the chemical information necessary for the creation of) a specific enzyme or other protein.
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, with all of the organism's genetic information, but each specialized cell expresses only part of it. That is, each cell only transcribes that DNA that it needs to do its specific tasks (see nucleic acidnucleic acid,
any of a group of organic substances found in the chromosomes of living cells and viruses that play a central role in the storage and replication of hereditary information and in the expression of this information through protein synthesis.
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(dif-ĕ-ren-shee-ay -shŏn) The process by which layers of different density are formed from originally homogeneous molten rock. It is generally accepted that melting and differentiation occurred very early in the history of the Earth and resulted from the rapid increase in the young planet's temperature; the heat was generated by decay of radioactive elements in the planetary material, from the impact of infalling material, and from contraction of the planet. The widespread melting led to massive differentiation of the Earth into the iron-rich core and the lighter silicate (rocky) regions of the mantle and crust (see Earth). Differentiation also occurred on other terrestrial planets and the Moon.





(in biology). Phylogenetic differentiation is the division in the evolutionary process of a unified group of organisms into two or more. This is one of the characteristic features in the evolution of organisms. The most important phylogenetic differentiation is the process of species development that leads to the appearance of new species. Phylogenetic differentiation is inevitably accompanied by the formation of a hierarchical system of forms (population, species, genus, family, order, class, and so forth). Differentiation is connected with integration: an entity becomes more complex in its manifestations of life, and the individual parts harmoniously supplement each other, leading to more specialized use of the environment (increase in the “sum of life,” to quote C. Darwin) and to the appearance of new possibilities in evolution. Differentiation has an adaptive nature. In the evolutionary process there is an accumulation of differentiation of general significance and the replacement of individual adaptations by general ones.

Other types of differentiation include ontogenetic and sexual differentiation.


Shmal’gauzen, I. I. Organizm kak tseloe v individual’nom i istoricheskom razvitii. Moscow-Leningrad, 1942.
Shmal’gauzen, I. I. Problemy darvinizma, 2nd ed. Leningrad, 1969.




ontogenetic differentiation (biology), the appearance of differences among homogeneous cells and tissues and changes in them in the course of development, which lead to specialization.

Differentiation occurs principally in the process of embryonic development, when organs and tissues with cells that are varied in form and function are formed from identical, unspecialized embryonic cells. The developing embryo differentiates at first into germ layers, then into the rudiments of the principal systems and organs, and later into a large number of specialized tissues and organs characteristic of the adult organism. Differentiation also occurs in some organs of the adult body. (For example, bone-marrow cells differentiate into various blood cells.) The term “differentiation” is also frequently applied to the series of successive changes undergone by cells of a single type in the process of their specialization. (For example, in the course of differentiation of red blood cells the erythroblasts are transformed into reticulocytes, and reticulocytes are transformed into erythrocytes.) Differentiation is expressed as changes in the form of cells, their internal and external structure, and their interconnections. (For example, myoblasts become elongated and merge with one another, myofibrils develop in them, and so on; in neuroblasts the nucleus becomes enlarged and processes appear that connect the nerve cells with various organs and among themselves.) Differentiation is also expressed as changes in the functional properties of cells. (Muscle fibers acquire the capacity to contract, nerve cells to transmit nerve impulses, gland cells to secrete appropriate substances, and so on.)

Principal factors in differentiation are the differences in the cytoplasm of early embryonic cells, caused by the nonhomogeneity of the cytoplasm of the egg, and the specific influences of neighboring tissues, or induction. A number of hormones exert an influence on the course of differentiation. Many factors that determine differentiation are as yet unknown. Differentiation can occur only in cells that are prepared for it. The action of a factor in differentiation at first produces a condition of latent differentiation, or determination, when the external signs of differentiation have not as yet manifested themselves, but the subsequent development of the tissue is already capable of proceeding independently of the inciting factor. For example, differentiation of nerve tissue is induced by the rudiment of the chordamesoderm. But induction of differentiation is possible and takes place only in the ectoderm of the embryo at a definite stage of its development. The state of differentiation is usually irreversible, that is, the differentiated cells can no longer lose their specialization. However, in conditions of injury to tissue capable of regeneration, and also in the event of malignant degeneration, partial dedifferentiation occurs, in which the cells lose many characteristics acquired in the process of differentiation and externally resemble the slightly differentiated cells of the embryo. There are possible instances in which dedifferentiated cells may become differentiated in some other direction (metaplasia).

The molecular-genetic basis of differentiation is the activity of genes specific for each tissue. Each cell, including the differentiated cell, contains the entire genetic apparatus (all the genes). However, in each tissue only that portion of the genes responsible for a given differentiation is active. The role of differentiation factors thus amounts to the strictly selective activation (engagement) of those genes. The mechanism of that activation is being intensively studied. The activity of certain genes leads to synthesis of the appropriate proteins that determine differentiation. Thus, the specific protein of red blood cells, hemoglobin, is synthesized in the erythroblasts; myosin is synthesized in muscle cells; insulin, trypsin, and amylase are synthesized in differentiating cells of the pancreas; during differentiation of cartilage or bone tissue, enzymes are synthesized that ensure formation and accumulation around the cells of the mucopolysaccharides of cartilage and the salts of bone. It is presumed that the proteins of the cell surface play a decisive role in determining the form of cells, their capacity to be connected to one another, and their movements in the course of differentiation.



[‚dif·ə‚ren·chē′ā·shən] (mathematics) The act of taking a derivative.



 [dif″er-en″she-a´shun] 1. the distinguishing of one thing from another.2. the act or process of acquiring completely individual characteristics, such as occurs in the progressive diversification of cells and tissues in the embryo.3. increase in morphological or chemical heterogeneity.


(dif'ĕr-en'shē-ā'shŭn), 1. The acquisition or possession of one or more characteristics or functions different from that of the original type. Synonym(s): specialization (2) 2. Synonym(s): differential diagnosis3. Partial removal of a stain from a histologic section to accentuate the staining differences of tissue components.


(dĭf′ə-rĕn′shē-ā′shən)n.1. a. The act or process of differentiating.b. The state of becoming differentiated.2. Biology The process by which cells or tissues undergo a change toward a more specialized form or function, especially during embryonic development.


Oncology The degree to which tumor cells resemble normal cells; differentiated cells grow more slowly than undifferentiated tumor cells. See Dedifferentiation.


(dif'ĕr-en-shē-ā'shŭn) 1. The acquisition or possession of one or more characteristics or functions different from that of the original type.
Synonym(s): specialization (2) .
2. Synonym(s): differential diagnosis. 3. Partial removal of a stain from a histologic section to accentuate the staining differences of tissue components.


1. The process by which stem cells acquire the special characteristics of the tissues into which they are developing. 2. The degree to which the cells of a tumour resemble, or fail to resemble, those of the tissue from which it arises. A high degree of differentiation implies low malignancy and vice versa . 3. The distinguishing of one disease from another.




The ability to retain one's identity within a family system while maintaining emotional connections with the other members.Mentioned in: Family Therapy


(dif'ĕr-en-shē-ā'shŭn) 1. The acquisition or possession of one or more characteristics or functions different from that of the original type.
Synonym(s): specialization (2) .
2. Synonym(s): differential diagnosis.

Patient discussion about differentiation

Q. How do you differentiate between fluorosis and caries? Both appear as white spots on the teeth, so clinically how do you differentiate between them? I know it has something to do with their appearance while wet and dry, but I am not sure what? please help me I can't find this in any book.A. Only mild fluorosis is seen as white stop lesion on the tooth. It usually comes with brown spots. Look for them. Another method is trying to stick a dental explorer into it (not the Microsoft one- it’ll only be a portal for viruses..) and because caries is demineralized area it will feel kind of sticky. But I wouldn’t do that…it can harm the teeth. Another way is by an x ray. Fluorosis- you will see it as a whiter spot. Caries- a more translucent spot.

Q. Differentiate Wheezing & Asthma My sister who is 29 years old is suffering from wheezing for the past 7 years. Its not a genetic problem. Some times she uses inhaler for temporary recovery. She tried English medicine, homeo and other treatments. Is it an Asthma? I find very difficult in seeing her struggle when she find hard to breathe. Please help to make her free out of this struggle. A. i see what scares you...it's frustrating to see your loved ones suffer and you cannot help. if she is has an inhaler- that mean she has been to the Dr. and he prescribed her some kind of medicine. without giving a diagnose first...?

Q. how can i differentiate between normal stomach ache and an Appendicitis? I've been having a strange sharp pain in my stomach lately and a friend of mine told me it could be Appendicitis.A. When you have Appendicitis, there should be a sharp pain on the right lower Abdomen. but you mustn't forget that Appendicitis is an inflammation. which means you'll have a fever some time in the near future, and it always get worse. not like other Abdominal pains. you'll vomit probably. i had my Appendix removed 2 years ago. don't worry, it's not too bad ;).

More discussions about differentiation


  • noun

Synonyms for differentiation

noun distinction


  • distinction
  • difference
  • contrast
  • disparity
  • divergence
  • polarity
  • distinctness

Synonyms for differentiation

noun the act or an instance of distinguishing


  • discrimination
  • distinction
  • separation

Synonyms for differentiation

noun a discrimination between things as different and distinct


  • distinction

Related Words

  • discrimination
  • secernment
  • contradistinction
  • dividing line
  • demarcation
  • contrast
  • line
  • hairsplitting
  • word-splitting

noun the mathematical process of obtaining the derivative of a function

Related Words

  • mathematical operation
  • mathematical process
  • operation

noun (biology) the structural adaptation of some body part for a particular function


  • specialisation
  • specialization

Related Words

  • biological science
  • biology
  • adaption
  • adaptation
  • adjustment




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