

 [se″men-to´mah] a mass of cementum lying free at the apex of a tooth, probably a reaction to injury.


(sē-men-tō'mă), Nonspecific term referring to any benign cementum-producing tumor; four types are recognized: periapical cemental dysplasia, central ossifying fibroma, cementoblastoma, and sclerotic cemental mass. When the type is not specified, cementoma usually refers to periapical cemental dysplasia. [L. cementum, cement, + G. -ōma, tumor]


(sē'mĕn-tō'mă) Any benign cementum-producing tumor; four types are recognized: 1) periapical cemental dysplasia, 2) central ossifying fibroma, 3) cementoblastoma, and 4) sclerotic cemental mass; when type not specified, usually refers to periapical cemental dysplasia. [L. cementum, cement, + G. -ōma, tumor]


(sē'mĕn-tō'mă) Nonspecific term referring to any benign cementum-producing tumor; four types are recognized: periapical cemental dysplasia, central ossifying fibroma, cementoblastoma, and sclerotic cemental mass. When the type is not specified, cementoma usually refers to periapical cemental dysplasia[L. cementum, cement, + G. -ōma, tumor]