Acronym | Definition |
BTLC➣Big Trouble in Little China (movie) |
BTLC➣Behaviour Therapy and Learning Center |
BTLC➣Business and Transactional Law Center (Washburn University; Topeka, KS) |
BTLC➣Bird Treatment and Learning Centre (Alaska) |
BTLC➣Best Tender Loving Care |
BTLC➣Book Trade Liaison Committee (New Zealand) |
BTLC➣Bethel Temple Learning Center (Killeen, TX) |
BTLC➣Butterworths' Trading Law Cases (law school resource) |
BTLC➣Bridges Tutorial and Learning Center (Philippines) |
BTLC➣Berkeley Tax Law Clinic (University of California) |
BTLC➣Break Through Learning Center (Seattle, WA) |
BTLC➣Buy-to-Let Concierge (UK) |
BTLC➣Barts (St. Bartholomew's Hospital) and the London Charity (UK) |
BTLC➣Brighton Trades and Labour Club (UK) |
BTLC➣Strapless Bra with Attached Breasts |