

单词 btd



A gene on chromosome 3p25 that encodes biotinidase, which recycles biotin by cleaving biocytin (biotin-lysine), a normal product of carboxylase degradation.


BTDBefore the Dawn
BTDBlood Type Diet
BTDBlack Tie Dinner (various organizations)
BTDBlue Tooth Dongle
BTDBeneficiary Telephone Number Data
BTDButadiene (gas carrier cargo)
BTDBalkan Trust for Democracy (est. 2003; public private partnership)
BTDBilled to Date
BTDBetter Than Dirt (gaming)
BTDBiotinidase (human gene)
BTDBridge to Decision
BTDBoston Transportation Department (Boston, MA, USA)
BTDBridge to the Doctorate (fellowship program)
BTDBearing Temperature Detector
BTDBloons Tower Defense (game)
BTDBanque Togolaise de Développement (French: Togolese Development Bank)
BTDBrightness Temperature Difference
BTDBored To Death
BTDBalloon Tower Defence (gaming)
BTDBuilding Trades Directory (website)
BTDBleed The Dream (band)
BTDBorn to Die
BTDBetter the Devil (record company)
BTDBilateral Trade Database
BTDBurning Trees Daily (clothing company)
BTDBinary To Decimal
BTDBit Transmission Delay
BTDBetter Through Design (BTD Manufacturing, Inc.)
BTDBear Trap Dunes (Ocean View, Delaware, USA)
BTDBrothers Till Death (gaming clan)
BTDBest Time of the Day
BTDBorn to Drink
BTDBeat The Dow
BTDBiological Therapies in Dentistry (journal)
BTDBarney the Dinosaur (TV character)
BTDBrigade Tactical Department (US Military Academy)
BTDBeaulieu-Tan-Damen (pulse shape)
BTDBrutal Torso Dissection (Australian metal band)
BTDBusiness Travel Department
BTDBattle Training Division (US Army)
BTDBusiness Technical Division (USACE)
BTDBuy The Dip (stocks)
BTDBiomechanics Test Database (US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)
BTDBeg/Begging to Differ
BTDBorn to Drive
BTDBortezomib, Thalidomide and Dexamethasone (chemotherapy)
BTDBureau Technique de Détection (French plumbing technology company)
BTDBonneuil Terrassement Démolition (French demolition company)
BTDBlock-Type Decodable
BTDBasic Thermodynamics
BTDBet the Dealer (gaming)
BTDBig Truck Driver
BTDBrown Turtle Designs (Pomona, CA)
BTDBeat the Donk Poker Forum




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