

单词 fluorescence



the emission of radiation during exposure to light or X rays
Not to be confused with:florescence – act, state, or period of flowering; bloom


F0206300 (flo͝o-rĕs′əns, flô-, flō-)n.1. The emission of electromagnetic radiation, especially of visible light, stimulated in a substance by the absorption of incident radiation and persisting only as long as the stimulating radiation is continued.2. The property of emitting such radiation.3. The radiation so emitted.
[fluor(spar) + -escence.]


(ˌflʊəˈrɛsəns) n1. (General Physics) physics a. the emission of light or other radiation from atoms or molecules that are bombarded by particles, such as electrons, or by radiation from a separate source. The bombarding radiation produces excited atoms, molecules, or ions and these emit photons as they fall back to the ground stateb. such an emission of photons that ceases as soon as the bombarding radiation is discontinuedc. such an emission of photons for which the average lifetime of the excited atoms and molecules is less than about 10–8 seconds2. (General Physics) the radiation emitted as a result of fluorescence. Compare phosphorescence[C19: fluor + -escence (as in opalescence)]


(flʊˈrɛs əns, flɔ-, floʊ-)

n. 1. the emission of radiation, esp. of visible light, by a substance during exposure to external radiation. 2. the property possessed by such a substance. 3. the radiation so produced. [1852; fluor (spar) + (opal)escence]


(flo͝o-rĕs′əns)1. The giving off of light by a substance when it is exposed to electromagnetic radiation, such as visible light or x-rays. Light is emitted only as long as the electromagnetic radiation continues to bombard the substance. Compare phosphorescence.2. The light produced in this way.Did You Know? Have you ever stood in a room illuminated by a "black light" and wondered why your white T-shirt, your shoelaces, and your teeth appear to glow? These objects appear so bright under ultraviolet light because they contain fluorescent materials that absorb the black light's ultraviolet rays (which are not visible to the human eye) and re-emit some of their energy as visible light. Therefore, these objects give off more visible light than is being shone on them, seemingly making something out of nothing. Many fabric whiteners leave fluorescent pigments behind in treated clothes; the clothes then look very bright because they absorb ultraviolet light from the environment and emit some of the absorbed energy as visible light.


The emission of light from an object which has been irradiated by light or other radiations. Energy is absorbed by the object and then re-radiated at a longer wavelength than the incident light.
Noun1.fluorescence - light emitted during absorption of radiation of some other (invisible) wavelengthautofluorescence - self-induced fluorescencelight, visible light, visible radiation - (physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation; "the light was filtered through a soft glass window"phosphorescence - a fluorescence that persists after the bombarding radiation has ceased


(fluəˈresnt) adjective giving off a certain kind of light. fluorescent light; fluorescent paint. 螢光的 荧光的fluoˈrescence noun 螢光 荧光



(flo͝orĕs`əns), luminescenceluminescence,
general term applied to all forms of cool light, i.e., light emitted by sources other than a hot, incandescent body, such as a blackbody radiator. Luminescence is caused by the movement of electrons within a substance from more energetic states to less energetic
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 in which light of a visible color is emitted from a substance under stimulation or excitation by light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation or by certain other means. The light is given off only while the stimulation continues; in this the phenomenon differs from phosphorescencephosphorescence
, luminescence produced by certain substances after absorbing radiant energy or other types of energy. Phosphorescence is distinguished from fluorescence in that it continues even after the radiation causing it has ceased.
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, in which light continues to be emitted after the excitation by other radiation has ceased. Fluorescence of certain rocks and other substances had been observed for hundreds of years before its nature was understood. Fluoresecence also occurs in some living organisms; some coral, reef fish, jellyfish, and other marine species as well as such terrestrial plants and animals as certain spiders and pitcher plants fluoresce. Probably the first to explain it was the British scientist Sir George G. Stokes, who named the phenomenon after fluorite, a strongly fluorescent mineral. Stokes is credited with the discovery (1852) that fluorescence can be induced in certain substances by stimulation with ultraviolet light. He formulated Stokes's law, which states that the wavelength of the fluorescent light is always greater than that of the exciting radiation, but exceptions to this law have been found. Later it was discovered that certain organic and inorganic substances can be made to fluoresce by activation not only with ultraviolet light but also with visible light, infrared radiation, X rays, radio waves, cathode rays, friction, heat, pressure, and some other excitants. Fluorescent substances, sometimes also known as phosphors, are used in paints and coatings, but their chief use is in fluorescent lightinglighting,
light produced by artificial means to allow visibility in enclosures and at night. For stage lighting, see scene design and stage lighting. Early Sources of Artificial Lighting
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Fluorescence is generally defined as a luminescence emission that is caused by the flow of some form of energy into the emitting body, this emission ceasing abruptly when the exciting energy is shut off. In attempts to make this definition more meaningful it is often stated, somewhat arbitrarily, that the decay time, or afterglow, of the emission must be of the order of the natural lifetime for allowed radiative transitions in an atom or a molecule, which is about 10-8 s for transitions involving visible light. Perhaps a better distinction between fluorescence and its counterpart, phosphorescence, rests not on the magnitude of the decay time per se, but on the criterion that the fluorescence decay is temperature-independent.

In the literature of organic luminescence, the term fluorescence is used exclusively to denote a luminescence which occurs when a molecule makes an allowed optical transition. Luminescence with a longer exponential decay time, corresponding to an optically forbidden transition, is called phosphorescence, and it has a different special distribution from the fluorescence. See Phosphorescence

The decay time of fluorescent materials varies widely, from the order of 5 × 10-9 s for many organic crystalline materials up to 2 s for the europium-activated strontium silicate phosphor. Fluorescent materials with decay times between 10-9 and 10-7 s are used to detect and measure high-energy radiations, such as x-rays and gamma rays, and high-energy particles such as alpha particles, beta particles, and neutrons. These agents produce light flashes (scintillations) in certain crystalline solids, in solutions of many polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, or in plastics impregnated with these hydrocarbons. The so-called fluorescent lamps employ the luminescence of gases and solids in combination to produce visible light. See Luminescence


(floo-ŏ-ress -ĕns) The transformation of photons of relatively high energy (i.e. high frequencies, especially ultraviolet frequencies) to lower-energy photons through interactions with atoms. It is also the lower-energy radiation that is produced by the process.



a luminescence that decays in a time τ ~ 10–8 –10–9 sec. The division of luminescence into fluorescence and phosphorescence is out of date, since it is an arbitrary distinction based on a qualitative measurement of the duration of luminescence. In terms of the mechanism for converting the excitation energy into visible emission, fluorescence, as a rule, is spontaneous luminescence; hence τ is determined by the lifetime of an atom in an excited state.

Resonance fluorescence, the frequency of which coincides with the frequency of the exciting radiation, is observed in atomic vapors (seeRESONANCE RADIATION). Molecules may fluoresce in highly rarefied vapors; an increase in the vapor pressure or the addition of foreign impurities may quench the fluorescence. Many organic substances, particularly aromatic compounds, fluoresce in liquid and solid solutions as well as in the crystalline state.

The spectra, polarization, and kinetics of fluorescence are associated with the structure and symmetry of molecules and with the nature of molecular interactions and depend, for example, on the concentration of solutions and the type of excitation. Fluorescence may be used, for example, to study crystal structure and excition processes in crystals (seeSPECTROSCOPY, CRYSTAL), the energy levels of molecules, the structure and interaction of molecules, and the processes by which excitation energy is transferred. Fluorescence is used in luminescence analysis, scintillation counters, and mineralogical research.

The decay time of fluorescence is measured by means of fluorometers.


See references under .



of minerals, a luminescence that is excited in minerals by light, X rays, or electrons and that decays rapidly (within 10–2–10–1 sec) after the excitation ceases. The rapid decay of the luminescence distinguishes fluorescence from phosphorescence and thermoluminescence. The physical phenomenon of the fluorescence of minerals was first observed in fluorite, from which the term “fluorescence” is derived.

Fluorescence is characteristic of dielectric minerals and semiconductors that are transparent to visible light and to near-ultraviolet and infrared radiation. The fluorescence of minerals is associated with impurities or occasionally with intrinsic ions or complexes; such impurities, ions, or complexes form luminescence centers. Fluorescence is sometimes completely or partially quenched by certain isomorphic impurities, such as ions of bivalent iron.

The fluorescence of minerals is used in luminescence analysis to detect such minerals as scheelite, zircon, apatite, and uranites in mining excavations and to analyze microscopic impurities consisting of rare or dispersed elements, such as uranium or rare earths. It is also used for ore dressing by means of the identification of the useful component—for example, diamonds, fluorspar, or scheelite—on the basis of the component’s luminescence.


Marfunin, A. S. Spektroskopiia, liuminestsentsiia i radiatsionnye tsentry v mineralakh. Moscow, 1975.



[flu̇′res·əns] (atomic physics) Emission of electromagnetic radiation that is caused by the flow of some form of energy into the emitting body and which ceases abruptly when the excitation ceases. Emission of electromagnetic radiation that is caused by the flow of some form of energy into the emitting body and whose decay, when the excitation ceases, is temperature-independent. (nuclear physics) Gamma radiation scattered by nuclei which are excited to and radiate from an excited state. (optics) bloom


The emission of visible light from a substance (such as a phosphor) as the result of, and during, the absorption of radiation of shorter wavelengths.


1. Physicsa. the emission of light or other radiation from atoms or molecules that are bombarded by particles, such as electrons, or by radiation from a separate source. The bombarding radiation produces excited atoms, molecules, or ions and these emit photons as they fall back to the ground state b. such an emission of photons that ceases as soon as the bombarding radiation is discontinued c. such an emission of photons for which the average lifetime of the excited atoms and molecules is less than about 10--8 seconds 2. the radiation emitted as a result of fluorescence


The emission of light from a material when subject to photons of another wavelength. A fluorescent object often emits visible light when it receives ultraviolet light. Fluorescence also occurs in nature; for example, fireflies and certain deep sea fish have fluorescent qualities. See fluorescent bulb.



 [floo͡-res´ens] the property of emitting light while exposed to light, the wavelength of the emitted light being longer than that of the absorbed light.fluorescence microscopy the use of a microscope" >fluorescence microscope to identify microorganisms or specific tissue constituents that have been stained with a fluorochrome or a fluorochrome-labeled substance (such as an antibody to a tissue antigen). A fluorescent antibody test can be used in place of time-consuming culture methods for identifying bacteria. See also immunofluorescence.


(flōr-es'ents), Emission of a longer wavelength radiation by a substance as a consequence of absorption of energy from a shorter wavelength radiation, continuing only as long as the stimulus is present; distinguished from phosphorescence, in which emission persists for a perceptible period of time after the stimulus has been removed. See: photoelectric effect. [fluorspar + -escence, inchoative suffix]


(flo͝o-rĕs′əns, flô-, flō-)n.1. The emission of electromagnetic radiation, especially of visible light, stimulated in a substance by the absorption of incident radiation and persisting only as long as the stimulating radiation is continued.2. The property of emitting such radiation.3. The radiation so emitted.


(flōr-es'ĕns) Emission of a longer wavelength radiation by a substance as a consequence of absorption of energy from a shorter wavelength radiation, continuing only as long as the stimulus is present; distinguished from phosphorescence in that, in the latter, emission persists for a perceptible period of time after the stimulus has been removed. [fluorspar + -escence, formative suffix]


Emission of electromagnetic radiation, especially coloured visible light, during the period of absorption of radiation, which is often of a different frequency from the emitted radiation. Some substances, for instance, fluoresce visibly under ambient invisible ultraviolet light.


the property of giving out light when molecules are excited by incident light. Emitted light is always of a shorter wavelength than the incident light.


Property of a substance that, when illuminated absorbs light of a given wavelength and re-emits it as radiations of a longer wavelength. Example: fluorescein. See Draper's law; Wood's light; lumi-nescence.


(flōr-es'ĕns) Emission of a longer wavelength radiation by a substance due to absorption of energy from a shorter wavelength radiation, continuing only as long as stimulus present. [fluorspar + -escence, formative suffix]


Related to fluorescence: fluorescence microscopy, phosphorescence, Fluorescence quenching, Fluorescence spectroscopy
  • noun

Words related to fluorescence

noun light emitted during absorption of radiation of some other (invisible) wavelength

Related Words

  • autofluorescence
  • light
  • visible light
  • visible radiation
  • phosphorescence




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