connective-tissue disease

con·nec·tive-tis·sue dis·ease

a group of generalized diseases affecting connective tissue, especially those that are not inherited as mendelian characteristics; rheumatic fever and rheumatoid arthritis were first proposed as such diseases, and other so-called collagen diseases have been added.

con·nec·tive-tis·sue dis·ease

(kŏ-nek'tiv-tish'ū di-zēz') A group of generalized disorders affecting connective tissue, especially those not inherited as mendelian characteristics; rheumatic fever and rheumatoid arthritis were first proposed as such diseases, and other so-called collagen diseases have been added. Most are now recognized as autoimmune disorders.
See also: collagen disease

con·nec·tive-tis·sue dis·ease

(kŏ-nek'tiv-tish'ū di-zēz') One of a group of generalized diseases affecting connective tissue, especially those not inherited as mendelian characteristics.