

单词 behavior therapy

behavior therapy

behavior therapy

n. A form of psychotherapy that uses basic learning techniques to treat mental illness. Also called behavioral therapy, behavior modification.
behavior therapist n.

behav′ior ther`apy

n. a form of therapy emphasizing techniques for changing behavioral patterns that are maladaptive. [1955–60]

behavior therapy

A variety of techniques, including aversion therapy, in which a patient is treated by conditioning to remove neuroptic symptoms.
Noun1.behavior therapy - psychotherapy that seeks to extinguish or inhibit abnormal or maladaptive behavior by reinforcing desired behavior and extinguishing undesired behaviorbehavior therapy - psychotherapy that seeks to extinguish or inhibit abnormal or maladaptive behavior by reinforcing desired behavior and extinguishing undesired behaviorbehavior modificationpsychotherapy - the treatment of mental or emotional problems by psychological meansassertiveness training - a method of psychotherapy that reinforces you for stating negative and positive feelings directlyaversion therapy - any technique of behavior modification that uses unpleasant stimuli in a controlled fashion to alter behavior in a therapeutic way; primarily used for alcoholism or drug abuse (but with little success)desensitisation procedure, desensitisation technique, desensitization procedure, desensitization technique, systematic desensitisation, systematic desensitization - a technique used in behavior therapy to treat phobias and other behavior problems involving anxiety; client is exposed to the threatening situation under relaxed conditions until the anxiety reaction is extinguishedflooding, implosion therapy - a technique used in behavior therapy; client is flooded with experiences of a particular kind until becoming either averse to them or numbed to themreciprocal inhibition, reciprocal-inhibition therapy - a method of behavior therapy based on the inhibition of one response by the occurrence of another response that is mutually incompatible with it; a relaxation response might be conditioned to a stimulus that previously evoked anxietytoken economy - a form of behavior therapy that has been used in some mental institutions; patients are rewarded with tokens for appropriate behavior and the tokens may be cashed in for valued rewards

behavior therapy

behavior therapy


behavior modification,

in psychology, treatment of human behavioral disorders through the reinforcement of acceptable behavior and suppression of undesirable behavior. The technique had its roots in the work of Ivan PavlovPavlov, Ivan Petrovich
, 1849–1936, Russian physiologist and experimental psychologist. He was professor at the military medical academy and director of the physiology department at the Institute for Experimental Medicine, St. Petersburg, from 1890.
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, a Russian physiologist who observed that animals could be taught to respond to stimuli that might otherwise have no effect on them. B. F. SkinnerSkinner, Burrhus Frederic,
1904–90, American psychologist, b. Susquehanna, Pa. He received his Ph.D. from Harvard in 1931, and remained there as an instructor until 1936, when he moved to the Univ. of Minnesota (1937–45) and to Indiana Univ.
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 developed the technique in the United States, using positive or negative reinforcers to encourage desirable behavior and punishments to discourage undesirable behavior. Behavior therapists believe that, in many cases, behaviors can be learned or unlearned through basic conditioning techniques; unlike traditional psychoanalysis, the method has little regard for the unconscious processes underlying personality disorders. Behavior therapy uses such techniques as aversive conditioning, where unwanted habits are paired with unpleasant stimuli, and systematic desensitization, where a stimulus that causes anxiety is paired with a pleasant one.

behavior therapy

[bi′hāv·yər ‚ther·ə·pē] (psychology) A mode of therapy that focuses on altering observable and quantifiable behavior of an individual by means of systematic manipulation of environmental and behavioral variables that are thought to be functionally related to the individual's behavior.

behavior therapy


 [be-hāv´yer] the observable responses, actions, or activities of someone. adj., adj behav´ioral.adaptive behavior behavior that fosters effective or successful individual interaction with the environment.contingent behavior actions that are dependent upon a specific stimulus.behavior disorder a general concept referring to any type of behavioral abnormality that is functional in origin.disorganized infant behavior a nursing diagnosis defined as alteration in integration and modulation of the physiological and behavioral systems of functioning (autonomic, motor, state-organizational, self-regulatory, and attentional-interactional systems) in an infant.health seeking b's see health seeking behaviors" >health seeking behaviors.behavior modification 1. an approach to correction of undesirable conduct that focuses on changing observable actions. Modification of the behavior is accomplished through systematic manipulation of the environmental and behavioral variables related to the specific behavior to be changed. The principles and techniques of this method have been used in treatment of both physical and mental disorders, such as alcoholism, smoking, obesity, and stress. See also conditioning.2. in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as promotion of a behavior change.behavior modification (omaha) on the second level of the intervention scheme of the omaha system, a target definition defined as activities designed to promote a change of habits.behavior modification: social skills in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as assisting the patient to develop or improve interpersonal social skills.readiness for enhanced organized infant behavior a nursing diagnosis defined as a pattern of modulation of the physiologic and behavioral systems of functioning (autonomic, motor, state-organizational, self-regulatory, and attentional-interactional systems) in an infant, which is satisfactory but can be improved, resulting in higher levels of integration in response to environmental stimuli.risk for disorganized infant behavior a nursing diagnosis defined as the risk for alteration in integration and modulation of the physiological and behavioral systems of functioning in an infant; see also behavior" >disorganized infant behavior.behavior therapy a therapeutic approach in which the focus is on the patient's observable behavior, rather than on conflicts and unconscious processes presumed to underlie his maladaptive behavior. This is accomplished through systematic manipulation of the environmental and behavioral variables related to the specific behavior to be modified; operant conditioning, systematic desensitization, token economy, aversive control, flooding, and implosion are examples of techniques that may be used in behavior therapy. Studies of classical and operant conditioning form the basis of behavior therapy, which has been used in treatment of both physical and mental disorders, such as alcoholism, smoking, obesity, and stress. See also behavior modification.


 [ther´ah-pe] treatment.activity therapy in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the prescription of and assistance with specific physical, cognitive, social, and spiritual activities to increase the range, frequency, or duration of an individual's (or group's) activity.aerosol therapy see aerosol therapy.animal-assisted therapy in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the purposeful use of animals to provide affection, attention, diversion, and relaxation.anticoagulant therapy see anticoagulant therapy" >anticoagulant therapy.antineoplastic therapy see antineoplastic therapy.antiplatelet therapy the use of inhibitors" >platelet inhibitors such as aspirin, dipyridamole, or sulfinpyrazone, to inhibit platelet adhesion or aggregation and so prevent thrombosis, alter the course of atherosclerosis, or prolong vascular graft patency.art therapy in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as facilitation of communication through drawings or other art forms.aversion therapy (aversive therapy) a form of behavior therapy" >behavior therapy that uses aversive conditioning, pairing undesirable behavior or symptoms with unpleasant stimulation in order to reduce or eliminate the behavior of symptoms. The term is sometimes used synonymously with conditioning" >aversive conditioning.behavior therapy see behavior therapy.carbon dioxide–oxygen therapy see carbon dioxide–oxygen therapy.chest physical therapy see under physical therapy.client-centered therapy a form of psychotherapy in which the emphasis is on the patient's self-discovery, interpretation, conflict resolution, and reorganization of values and life approach, which are enabled by the warm, nondirective, unconditionally accepting support of the therapist, who reflects and clarifies the patient's discoveries.cognitive therapy (cognitive-behavioral therapy) a directive form of psychotherapy based on the theory that emotional problems result from distorted attitudes and ways of thinking that can be corrected. Using techniques drawn in part from behavior therapy, the therapist actively seeks to guide the patient in altering or revising negative or erroneous perceptions and attitudes.collapse therapy a formerly common treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis in which the diseased lung was collapsed in order to immobilize it and allow it to rest. pneumonolysis and thoracoplasty are methods still sometimes used to collapse a lung and allow access during thoracic surgery.combined modality therapy treatment of cancer using two or more types of therapy, such as with chemoradiotherapy. Called also multimodality therapy.compression therapy treatment of insufficiency" >venous insufficiency, varicose veins" >varicose veins, or venous ulceration of the lower limbs by having the patient wear compressing garments such as support hose.continuous renal replacement therapy hemodialysis or hemofiltration done 24 hours a day for an extended period, usually in a critically ill patient.convulsive therapy treatment of mental disorders, primarily depression, by induction of convulsions" >convulsions. The type almost universally used now is electroconvulsive therapy" >electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), in which the convulsions are induced by electric current. In the past, drugs were sometimes used.couples therapy marital t.diet therapy treatment of disease by regulation of the diet" >diet.electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) (electroshock therapy) see electroconvulsive therapy.endocrine therapy treatment of disease by means of hormones; called also hormonal or hormone therapy.estrogen replacement therapy administration of an estrogen to treat estrogen deficiency, such as that occurring after menopause; there are a number of indications, including the prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis and coronary artery disease, and the prevention and treatment of vasomotor symptoms such as hot flashes and of thinning of the skin and vaginal epithelium, atrophic vaginitis, and vulvar atrophy. In women with a uterus, a progestational agent is usually included to prevent endometrial hyperplasia. Called also hormone replacement therapy.exercise therapy: ambulation in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as promotion of and assistance with walking to maintain or restore autonomic and voluntary body functions during treatment and recovery from illness or injury.exercise therapy: balance in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as use of specific activities, postures, and movements to maintain, enhance, or restore balance.exercise therapy: joint mobility in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the use of active or passive body movement to maintain or restore joint flexibility.exercise therapy: muscle control in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the use of specific activity or exercise protocols to enhance or restore controlled body movement.family therapy 1. group therapy of the members of a family, exploring and improving family relationships and processes, understanding and modifying home influences that contribute to mental disorder in one or more family members, and improving communication and collective, constructive methods of problem-solving.2. in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as assisting family members to move their family toward a more productive way of living.gold therapy chrysotherapy.group therapy see group therapy.helium-oxygen therapy see helium-oxygen therapy" >helium-oxygen therapy.hemodialysis therapy in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as management of extracorporeal passage of the patient's blood through a hemodialyzer. See also hemodialysis.hemofiltration therapy in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as cleansing of acutely ill patient's blood via a hemofilter controlled by the patient's hydrostatic pressure. See also hemofiltration.highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) the aggressive use of extremely potent antiretroviral agents in the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus infection.hormonal therapy (hormone therapy) endocrine therapy.hormone replacement therapy the administration of hormones to correct a deficiency; usually used to denote therapy" >estrogen replacement therapy occurring after menopause.host modulating therapy efforts to control periodontal disease by directly targeting the host response; an example is the use of drugs that do this, such as sub-antimicrobial doses of doxycycline, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, or bisphosphonates.humidification therapy (humidity therapy) the therapeutic use of air supersaturated with water to prevent or correct a moisture deficit in the respiratory tract; see also humidity therapy.immunosuppressive therapy therapeutic immunosuppression. inhalation therapy the term formerly used for respiratory care (def. 3).intravenous therapy (IV therapy) in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as administration and monitoring of intravenous infusions" >intravenous infusions of fluids and medications.leech therapy in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the application of medicinal leeches" >leeches to help drain replanted or transplanted tissue engorged with venous blood.marital therapy a type of family therapy aimed at understanding and treating one or both members of a couple in the context of a distressed relationship, but not necessarily addressing the discordant relationship itself. In the past, the term has also been used in a narrower sense to mean what is defined as marriage therapy, but that is increasingly considered a subset of marital therapy. Called also couples therapy.marriage therapy a subset of marital therapy that focuses specifically on the bond of marriage between two people, enhancing and preserving it.milieu therapy 1. treatment, usually in a psychiatric treatment center, that emphasizes the provision of an environment and activities appropriate to the patient's emotional and interpersonal needs.2. in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the use of people, resources, and events in the patient's immediate environment to promote optimal psychosocial functioning.multimodality therapy combined modality therapy.music therapy 1. the use of music to effect positive changes in the psychological, physical, cognitive, or social functioning of individuals with health or educational problems. Music therapy is used for a wide variety of conditions, including mental disorders, developmental and learning disabilities, Alzheimer's disease and other conditions related to aging, brain injury, substance abuse, and physical disability. It is also used for the management of acute and chronic pain and for the reduction of stress.2. in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as using music to help achieve a specific change in behavior or feeling.neoadjuvant therapy in single-agent therapy or combined modality therapy for cancer, initial use of one modality, such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy, to decrease tumor burden prior to use of another modality, usually surgery.nutrition therapy in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as administration of food and fluids to support metabolic processes of a patient who is malnourished or at high risk for becoming malnourished. See also nutrition.occupational therapy see occupational therapy.optometric vision therapy a treatment plan prescribed to correct or improve specific dysfunctions of the vision system; it includes, but is not limited to, the treatment of strabismus (turned eye), other dysfunctions of binocularity (eye teaming), amblyopia (lazy eye), accommodation (eye focusing), ocular motor function (general eye movement ability), and visual-motor and visual-perceptual abilities.oral rehydration therapy (ORT) oral administration of a solution of electrolytes and carbohydrates in the treatment of dehydration.oxygen therapy see oxygen therapy.peritoneal dialysis therapy in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as administration and monitoring of dialysis solution into and out of the peritoneal cavity. See also peritoneal dialysis.physical therapy see physical therapy.play therapy see play therapy.pulp canal therapy root canal therapy.PUVA therapy [psoralen + ultraviolet A], a form of photochemotherapy for skin disorders such as psoriasis and vitiligo; oral psoralen administration is followed two hours later by exposure to ultraviolet a radiation.radiation therapy see radiation therapy.recreation therapy in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the purposeful use of recreation to promote relaxation and enhancement of social skills.reminiscence therapy in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as using the recall of past events, feelings, and thoughts to facilitate pleasure, quality of life, or adaptation to present circumstances.renal replacement therapy therapy such as hemodialysis or transplantation that takes the place of nonfunctioning kidneys. See also therapy" >continuous renal replacement therapy.replacement therapy treatment to replace deficient formation or loss of body products by administration of the natural body products or synthetic substitutes. See also replacement" >replacement. Called also substitution therapy.respiratory therapy respiratory care.root canal therapy that aspect of endodontics dealing with the treatment of diseases of the dental pulp, consisting of partial (pulpotomy) or complete (pulpectomy) extirpation of the diseased pulp, cleaning and sterilization of the empty root canal, enlarging and shaping the canal to receive sealing material, and obturation of the canal with a nonirritating hermetic sealing agent. Called also pulp canal therapy.shock therapy obsolete term for convulsive therapy.simple relaxation therapy in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as the use of techniques to encourage and elicit relaxation for the purpose of decreasing undesirable signs and symptoms such as pain, muscle tension, or anxiety.speech therapy the use of special techniques for correction of speech disorders" >speech disorders.substitution therapy replacement therapy.swallowing therapy in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as facilitating swallowing" >swallowing and preventing complications of impaired swallowing.thrombolytic therapy the administration of drugs for thrombolysis (dissolution of a thrombus in an artery), to reduce the size of occlusion and thereby reduce damage to muscular tissue; the coronary artery is a commonly used site. Agents commonly used are streptokinase" >streptokinase and tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA).thyroid replacement therapy treatment of hypothyroidism" >hypothyroidism by administration of thyroxine" >thyroxine, usually in the form of levothyroxine" >levothyroxine sodium. Called also thyrotherapy.ultraviolet therapy see ultraviolet therapy.

be·hav·ior ther·a·py

a therapy based on the concept that physical rather than mental events control overt behavior; such behavior is analyzed and selected behavior is then modified using specific techniques focusing on stimuli, conditioning, and learning, so as to improve health and functioning. See: systematic desensitization, conditioning, learning.
See also: cognitive therapy. Compare: psychotherapy.
Synonym(s): behavior modification, conditioning therapy

behavior therapy

n. A form of psychotherapy that uses basic learning techniques to treat mental illness. Also called behavioral therapy, behavior modification.
behavior therapist n.

behavior therapy

Psychiatry Any treatment that focuses on modifying observable and, at least in principle, quantifiable behavior by means of systematic manipulation of the environment and behavioral variables thought to be functionally related to the behavior Examples Operant conditioning, shaping, token economy, systematic desensitization, aversion therapy, flooding. See Biofeedback.

be·hav·ior ther·a·py

(bē-hāv'yŏr thār'ă-pē) An offshoot of psychotherapy involving the use of procedures and techniques associated with conditioning and learning for the treatment of a variety of psychological conditions.

be·hav·ior ther·a·py

(bē-hāv'yŏr thār'ă-pē) An offshoot of psychotherapy involving the use of procedures and techniques associated with conditioning and learning for the treatment of a variety of psychological conditions.

Patient discussion about behavior therapy

Q. What is cognitive behavioral therapy for treatment of depression? What is it all about? Please explain? Could someone who has actually had this explain what it is all about. I don't want to get a copy and paste answer from a web page somewhere, just a simple explanation in plain simple terms that I could relate to.A. You mention "for example thoughts of worthlessness"
Could anyone identify other examples of these types of thoughts?
I struggle the most with guilt and shame.
What others think of me being a recovering alcoholic, someone who has depression, having a son who has been in a penitentiary several times.
What can anyone really do about these thoughts anyway. I have not come up with anything that works except to offer them all back up to God and let them all go.
What else could a professional come up that is any better than that? I would really like to know. Otherwise, what good would it really do?

More discussions about behavior therapy
AcronymsSeebad trip

behavior therapy

Related to behavior therapy: Cognitive behavior therapy
  • noun

Synonyms for behavior therapy

noun psychotherapy that seeks to extinguish or inhibit abnormal or maladaptive behavior by reinforcing desired behavior and extinguishing undesired behavior


  • behavior modification

Related Words

  • psychotherapy
  • assertiveness training
  • aversion therapy
  • desensitisation procedure
  • desensitisation technique
  • desensitization procedure
  • desensitization technique
  • systematic desensitisation
  • systematic desensitization
  • flooding
  • implosion therapy
  • reciprocal inhibition
  • reciprocal-inhibition therapy
  • token economy




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