

单词 btb
释义 DictionarySeeB2B



Branch Target Buffer


Abbr. for “bituminous treated base.”


BTBBelieved-to-Be (US DoD)
BTBBadischer Turner Bund (German: Baden Gymnastics Federation; Baden, Germany)
BTBBack to Bed
BTBBack To Basics
BTBBusiness to Business (usually seen as B2B)
BTBBe the Beast
BTBBranch Target Buffer
BTBBad Taste Bear(s)
BTBBob's Track Builder (gaming software)
BTBBelize Tourism Board
BTBBlack to Black
BTBBass Treble Boost
BTBBack to Back
BTBBoard Technical Bulletin
BTBBreak the Barriers
BTBBase-to-Base (gaming)
BTBBob the Builder (cartoon)
BTBBog Te Blagoslovio (Croatian: God Bless You)
BTBBody to Body
BTBBite the Bullet
BTBBreakthrough Bleeding
BTBBurn the Bridge
BTBBring to Boil (cooking)
BTBBy the Book
BTBBig Team Battle (Halo 2)
BTBBumper to Bumper
BTBBride to Be
BTBBan the Bag (plastic bag ban advocacy)
BTBBringing Tap Back (Canada)
BTBBanca di Trento E Bolzano (Italian bank)
BTBBetween the Buttons (Rolling Stones album)
BTBBotswana Tourism Board (est. 2004)
BTBBelow the Belt
BTBBeyond the Bell
BTBBrigade Troops Battalion (US Army)
BTBBeating the Blues (UK)
BTBBoard Technical Bulletin (scientology)
BTBBouchon de Tir à Blanc (French: Blank Firing Cap)
BTBBack to Business
BTBBack to Base
BTBBring That Booty
BTBBric-a-Brac, Tramtrack, Broad-complex (domain)
BTBBeyond the Beyond (game)
BTBBay to Breakers (annual footrace; San Francisco, CA)
BTBBusiness Telephone Banking (various companies)
BTBBoeuf de Tradition Bouchère (French: Traditional Beef Butcher)
BTBBig Ten Burrito (Ann Arbor, MI)
BTBBeyond the Breakers (offshore fishing)
BTBBus Tie Breaker
BTBBanco Toyota do Brasil (Brazilian bank)
BTBBy The By
BTBBridge to Bridge (ship to ship communications)
BTBBeen There Bro
BTBBasic Test Battery
BTBBromethymol Blue
BTBBefore the Bang (period just before the Big Bang)
BTBBritish Tourism Board
BTBBeyond the Body
BTBBelgische Transportarbeiders Bond
BTBBad'in Town Bezak (French badminton club)
BTBBenoît Tapis Brosse (French carpet supplier)
BTBBetter Than Beer
BTBBurton Third Bombers (dorm residents; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Cambridge, MA)
BTBBody Tune Box (magnetic resonance imaging)
BTBBritish Tourist Board
BTBBlind Transmission Broadcast (clandestine communications)
BTBBrett Taylor Bailey (foundation)
BTBBeyond the Barre (est. 1999; Canada; dance studio)
BTBBig Town Bucks (online business)




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更新时间:2025/3/19 6:56:33